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I woke up to someone poking me with a stick. My eyes fluttered open but immediately closed back due to the brightness of the room. I peaked and noticed it was the same rogue from the other night who was doing the talking and asked for me.

I grabbed the stick and broke it in half. He looked at me shocked before clearing his throat.

"Why. were. you. poking. me. with. a. stick?" I slowly, dangerously asked. He smiled sheepishly before answering, "The doctor thinks you have STD's and I didn't want to touch you and the stick was there and you can figure out the rest." I almost choked on my saliva.

"Shit! Don't die! I'm joking! I'm joking! I just wanted to poke you with a stick because its long enough to reach you from the chair."

I shook my head although a ghost of a smile appeared on face, "Who are you?"

"Ryan Micheal Richmond Junior." he answered confidently while showing his white teeth. This is not the same boy from that night. Mypowers told me he was lying about something but I ignored it.

"Are you a rogue?" I asked. I had to make sure because he smelt like it but he didn't act like it.

"Unfortunately yes but its not by choice. Anyways you are to stay here for three days and then you'll be able to return to your precious pack who so badly wants their Luna back" he said sarcastically.

"Ryan?" I softly asked.


"Where am I?" he looked at me and twisted his head as if trying to come up with an answer, "Our territory." he answered before walking out the door.

Atleast he's nice. I like him but he seems closed off. I'm feeling bad for him because he said that its not by choice. I wonder what he means by that?

Four hours later.

Ryan came back with food and ice cream. I immediately jumped up and down and grabbed the ice cream. He chuckled and sat on the chair.

"I'm your bodyguard sist-" he cleared his throat, "Anne. I'm in charge of you so don't try to run away please!" he begged. Was he going to say sister? I'm confused. What the hell is going on?

"Why am I here? Where's my daughter?" I shouted at him. He looked at me in shock.

"You have a daughter?" he whispered. I nodded slowly and watched as adoration and relief filled his eyes.

"You are in the rogues territory because they want to scare the alpha so we took you but then we'll return you and then take you again. As for your daughter, she's saf... well I hope she is."

"Where's your mate?" I asked genuinely curious. He doesn't seem like a rogue. He's really nice but there's something about him that makes me feel safe. I don't know what it is.

"Didn't find her." be answered hesitantly. I smiled softly at him. " Don't worry, you'll find her soon."

"Can I ask you a question?" I whispered. He tilted his head in confusion but a smirk appeared after.

"You already did." My face fell and a scowl replaced it. I glared at him but ended up chuckling at his stupidity.

"Is my father the leader of this group of rogues?" He seemed.surprised by this question," How do you know this?" he asked but the astonishment is clear on his face.

"I have my ways." He gulped and nodded slowly. I shut my eyes. I already knew the answer but it wasn't what I was hoping for. He really is planning to attack is when he promised me he will return for me. Wow!


I lied to her. Well not technically because she thinks he is her father but he really isn't. That will be explained later. I wanted to tell her but I know I can't. I'll be killed.

I know about her powers and angel and black wolf but I need to act surprised and keep it hidden from the rest of the pack.

I finally met her and I already loved her. I'm gonna have to protect her from her 'father'. When he killed my mother, I always wanted revenge on him.

But I cant let Anne know about me as yet.

Ryan Micheal White, twin brother of Anne White.

This was a filler chapter but plenty things will happen in the next chapter.
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