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What the hell are they doing here?

It's not that I don't want them here but at eleven in the night, they'll choose to come.

My parents are actually here. My real parents are actually here. I can't believe it.

Are they here to help? Are they going to take me away? Ryan. Shit! Where's Ryan? Is he going to leave with them?

So many question swirled around in my head, I didn't notice Xavier shaking me.

"Baby. Baby. It's alright. Its gonna be okay. Remember what I promised you?"

I'll always be here. Never forget that. I'll protect you and my pups. No one is going to hurt you again. Not if I'm alive.

I nodded and jumped off him. The warrior was standing there, looking awkward as ever.

"Where are they?"

"At the southern border, waiting approval, Luna."

"I though they were the King and Queen, don't you obey them?"

"Yes bur when they said they wanted to speak with you, Luna, our wolves got protective and won't allow them into the territory. Our wolves are very serious when it comes to you, Luna."

"My wolf too, warrior. More than yours. Allow them in. Carry them to the pack house. We'll be there shortly." Xavier butted in with his Alpha command.

I shook my head and clutched his hand dragging him to the pack house.

I'm gonna meet my parents now. How fun? Not.

Okay. Calm down, Anne. Calm down.

"Stop. Stop. Stop. Calm down, baby. Calm down."

I halted and turned towards him. I inhaled deeply, trying to relax. Sigh.

"I'm good. I'm good. Let's just go see them."

He didn't believe me but let it slide. For that, I'm grateful. I don't want to explain anything right now.

"Come on." I grabbed his hand, continuing to drag him. Breathe Anne. Come on, you could do this. What'd the worse that could happen?


My kindle was malfunctioning when I wrote this so I gave up and decided to just update this. Nothing important happened it it though but inbthe next chapter.......

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