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"HURRY NORI WE'LL BE LATE!!" You shouted at your twin brother because he's so slow. "Ack! I'm coming jeez!" He grabbed his bag and ran out the door and you followed him.

"Crap I was supposed to meet JoJo by the gate and I'm gonna be a little late!" He said.

"Your fault" you laughed "you're so slow when it comes to leaving for school!" You laughed more and he flushed a light pink colour. "Oh hush! I remember you getting the bad grades!" He said and he started laughing.

"That has nothing to do with this!" You huffed.

"Hey Y/N." You looked at Kakyoin who pointed at Jotaro and you nodded and waved. Honestly you didn't hang out with jotaro or even talk to him. The only reason you knew him was because your brother was friends with him, but it's weird that he said hello to you.

"Sorry I'm late, Jotaro." Kakyoin laughed a little, Jotaro shrugged it off and walked in between you and Kakyoin, but he was a little closer to you.

'He's acting weird' you thought.

"Y/N." You looked up at Jotaro who was pointing to your friends who were waving at you trying to get your attention. "Oh thanks ahah" you ran off and started talking to them about Jotaro's strange behavior.

"Uh-huh I see you, trying to get close to my sister." Jotaro looked at Kakyoin with a slightly pink face and shook his head and walked into class and sat at his seat with Kakyoin.

"Mhmmmmmm" Kakyoin giggled and rolled his eyes, and started doing his work.

The only thing Jotaro seemed to think about during class was you.

Lunch bell rang and it was lunch time. You walked to lunch and split off with your friends and sat with Kakyoin and Jotaro but you had to sit by Jotaro because the other seats were taken. Jotaro kept glancing at you making you blush. After lunch Jotaro grabbed your arm gently and dragged you away. You guys went to the courtyard and sat at a bench.

"Yes Jotaro?" You asked while looking at him. He blushed a little and quietly started talking.

"I know you ignored me but you're so pretty so I had to say that I like you, Y/N."

You brushed the red curly bangs out of your face and blushed. "Jotaro?? You like me??" Your heart pounded and your face was about as red as your hair!

He nodded and his face looked a little red too.

"I like you too, Joot" he looked at you and you smiled at him and giggled a little at his shocked expression. You came over and sat by him and leaned your head on his shoulder and enjoyed the moment.


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