You have nightmares

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You found yourself walking through the woods alone when a had clasped onto your mouth si you couldn't scream you were terrified, you trashed around and sobbed in your sleep Til eventually you woke up and started freaking out and crying.

"Y/N." Speedwagon said softly. "It's alright I'm right here." He said soothingly as you latched on and didn't let go. He kinda just held you tol you calmed yourself down. Once you were calmed down you both lied back down and you were still latched on pretty tightly. He held you close and eventually both fell back asleep.

You found yourself trapped. You legs and arms were cuffed to a chair and it was cold in the room and pitch black. You felt something touch you from behind which caused you to flip your crap. You started yelling stuff in your sleep. You opened your eyes to a concerned Avdol looking at you. "Y/N?"

You say uo and reached for a glass of water and took a sip of it and calmed down. "I'm okay. I'm alright now." You said calmly. "Okay good, nightmares huh?" He asked and you nodded a little. You set the glass down and leaned back on the headboard and so did Avdol. You guys ended up staying up and reading until you fell asleep later on.

You roamed around an abandoned mall, squeaks of rats, and the moans of ghosts haunted your mind, something screamed in your ear causing you to bold awake and start seeing things around the room causing you to hide under the blanket

"Y/N?" Came the groggy voice of your husband. "You alright?" He pulled the blanket up and pulled you to him. "Did you have a nightmare again?" He asked you nodded a little. "Yes I did" you said your voice laced with fear. He chuckled "you just gotta imagine something else!" You nodded and laughed a little yourself. "Good advice! Good night." You chimed and he nodded and yawned and went to sleep.

You were walking around in a hospital not sure why you were there but you were, you noticed something following you through the shadows. You looked around shakily. You saw nothing there until you turned back around and saw a creepy being with red eyes and sharp teeth. You screamed and jolted awake and ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut and washed your face, still freaking out.

Polneraff knocked on the door.  "You alright in there?" "Yes!" You called out and opened the door with tears rolling down your face. "Oh, I see a nightmare." He picked you up and carried you into bed and sang to you until you went to sleep.

You don't really have nightmares around Jotaro though your past was rough, you used to have nightmares all the time because it was so traumatic, but since you met Jotaro they've calmed down a lot, and you don't have them as much.

You found yourself in your house, but Kakyoin wasn't there. You tried to find Kakyoin, you walked into the first room and found him lying there with his head cut off and blood was everywhere. You sobbed and screamed blood murder until you woke up to Kakyoin shaking your shoulder. You started to hyperventilate. He quickly hugged you to his chest and sang a little bit. He wasn't that great at singing but it was enough to calm you down.

"I-I'm okay now" you said while shaking. "Okay good." He said while stroking your hair and handing you a glass of water. You chugged it and fell asleep in his arms.

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