Despair pt. 2

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"How is your progress with Kakyoin?" Estella asked you, you blushed a little bit.


You dropped your stuff on the ground, "oh.." you said quietly. "Here let me help you, Lady Y/N." Kakyoin said and bent down to help you with your stuff. "Thank you, Noriaki. I'm so sorry to bother you." You said rubbing the back of your neck nervously. "It's not bothering me, forgive me for intruding, but why didn't you ask for help?" He asked.

"I didn't want to bother you while you were busy." You said with a small smile. "Lady Y/N, no matter what. I'll always help you." He said. "I really love you.." 'wait what?!' "..All! I really love you all!" 'That was way too close!'

"Aww, I love you too."

"Y/N! You are a fool! A complete idiot!' You thought.

'My heart hurts. Stupid Kakyoin! It would take a miracle for Lady Y/N to love you! Or even cared for that matter...'

~end flashback~

"I almost told him!! That was too close!" You said with a little blush in your face. Estella just laughed. "DON'T LAUGH AT MY MISERY!"

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