Simple Assistance

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Gonna explain something, this is the beginning of the crusaders at the Kujo residence. You are Joseph's assistant and you were born with a stand.

"Hey Y/N? Can you go clean Jotaro's wounds?" He asked you and you nodded.

"Yes sir, Mr. Kujo could you take me a place where you will be comfortable?" You asked looking at Jotaro, who grumbled lightly. "Fine." He said getting up. You thanked him and followed him to his room.

"I have to take the glass out- what are you doing?" You asked while staring at him. "What do you think? I'm taking my shirt off." He stated bluntly with a little grumble at the end. "Oh, right"

~after a bit~

"There, all done! Goodbye Mr. Kujo." He didjt say anything do you walked out.

Y/SN (your stand name) came out and started talking to star platinum. "Hello." It said to star platinum. "Ora!" He got all excited like a puppy meeting someone new.

"How are you?" Your stand said to him. "Ora, Ora. ORA!!" "Wonderful! You wanna go check on our users?" He nodded "Ora!" "Alright"

~witnessing the glass removal~

"Dude he looks like he's 20!" Y/SN laughed a little.

"Ora Ora." He agreed. "Don't you dare Kujo!" Y/SN said to him. Joot didn't say anything and neither did you.

"0 insults. Good the edge lord is being polite." Y/SN said with a smug look. "Ora?" Star platinum questioned. "I'll tell you later bud." Y/SN laughed a little.

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