Getting caught

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This is the school au and you guys are in high school

"Hey Cola" you walked up to Joseph knowing it makes him all blushy and stuff when you call him cola. He turned as the label on the cola.

You giggled and hugged him making him more flustered. You smiled at what you had done. "Hey little vampire" he was super red. You pecked him on the lips which he went even more red than the ripest of tomatoes!

"Y/N." You dad said. Uh-oh. He started scolding you for no pda in the halls plus he's your dad. You just laughed it off.

You had nicknames for him but they don't really fluster him so you tried something new.

"Hey darling" you walked up to Avdol who was starting to blush but not really. "That's an odd one, Birdie, you usually say dear." He said not really affected. You pouted but for the idea to kiss him. "Wanted to try something new." You said inching closer to his face, he was really starting to blush now but kept his cool. "Well-" he was cut off by your lips crashing onto his for a quick kiss.

You pulled away from him to see his reaction. He was red. You giggled and froze up because you noticed your dad down the hall staring in shock at what you just did. "Haha. I'm in danger" you said and he came over and started ranting about no pda! Avdol was holding your hand the whole time. It was cute.

You really only called him simp. You didn't really want a reaction out of him knowing he probably would have one so you just marched right up and kissed him. "Cat! What the-" you kissed him again and smirked a little because he was flustered. Your dad grabbed polneraff's shoulder and huffed "don't do that again." Polneraff nodded from fear while you laughed.

For some reason Red really got him going. But calling him cherry boy didn't do anything.

"Hey red," you said while grabbing his hand and kissing his cheek. He gulped. "Wha-" you kissed him because it's fun because his reactions are cute. "Oh come on Sandy" he was red and you squeezed his hand a little going to your locker. You dad got mad and told Kakyoin no pda and to stop holding my hand, this is funny. Kakyoin looked at you like 'your dad is scary' you just laughed and played with his hair noodle.

You were a chill person. You didn't really want to make Jotaro flustered but he always flustered you!

"Hey Tiny," Jotaro walked up to you and kissed your hand making you go bright red. He chuckled finding the reaction adorable. "Stop it dolphin!" You blushes more not really knowing why. Now Jotaro wasn't one for pda but man did he kiss you in front of everyone even your dad. He went as red as kakyoin's hair! "Jotaro! My dad is going to Kill you!" You whisper yelled at him. In fact your dad come up but didn't really do anything he just put a hand on jotaro's shoulder. "Maybe not do that in front of me, okay?" Jotaro said a quick 'yes sir' and your dad walked off. "Woah." You said. "Oh no he was totally mad" Jotaro and you snickered.

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