Crossover pt. 2

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"I'm going hunting." You say out of the blue, and start walking towards the front door. "Take one of these men with you instead of going by yourself." Link suggested, you shook your head and walked out, leaving the men with your brother.

"Is she always like that?" Joseph questioned the young-looking, hero. "Well... sometimes, only when things are on her mind. She generally doesn't like help from anyone." He explained. "Who's the older one?" Polneraff questioned as if it was the most important question. Link laughed a little, "I am by a little bit. It aggravates her when I yeast aboit it. Fun times." Link started to frown before turning around, "anyway I'll start on the cooking."

The men looked at each other than at Kakyoin for explanation, he just shrugged and went outside. Kakyoin sat on the edge of the bridge and took a deep breath in. He found the air calming to him.

After a while dinner was ready so they ate. "Hey, Y/N isn't back yet? You think something happened?" Kakyoin asked link. "Maybe, you start looking for her I'll be there in a bit." Link said Kakyoin nodded and ran out grabbed a horse and rode off. Eventually he came upon a spot, of which you had gone, you were there so he started looking around, he found you laying on the ground asleep in a field of silent princesses. Kakyoin laughs a little, and sat beside you. "Something about you. I don't know. It's just something about you."

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