Dio = simp

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"Hey Jojo! What's up?"

"I'm wonderful what about you, Y/N?" He asked.

"It's been go how has your life been! It's been 10 million years!" You laughed a little.

He chuckled dryly. "I have a brother.."

"Sounds awesome!"

"I guess." He said.

Dio in the back thinking 'who is this chick? She seems.. nice enough. Wait I can't be thinking these things!!' He sighed and tried to stop paying attention

Back with the buds. "Kakdiwndidndisnaosalqppqqpxxkzosoqops" Jojo muttered. "JOJO. JOJO. JOJOOOOOOO YOUVE BEEN SPEAKING THE LANGUAGE OF THE GODS FOR THE PAST 20 MINUTES!!" You said while shaking him. Jojo shook his head lightly "sorry about that." He laughed a little.

Dio came over "Jonathan who is this?" He asked. "This is my best friend Y/N L/N! Her family has a huge music career that she's gonna take up one day." He explained. "It's a pleasure to meet you!!" You curtsied a little. "Feeling is mutual." 'What the hell is this feeling. It's warm and weird I don't like it.' He thought to himself.

"Anyway Y/N lets go." Jojo said and you nodded. "Bye Dio!" You shouted.

"Goodbye miss L/N"

~1 month brought by precious Danny~

"Wow Dio. You had it rough" you frowned a little. "Than-" you kissed his cheek causing him to internally scream.


"BYE DIO!!!" You winked and walked off.

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