The cherry and the princess

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This takes place while kakyoin is flesh budded

You were roaming around when you spot the cherry loving boy, Noriaki Kakyoin on the balcony, so you decide to join him. You lean on the balcony looking around outside. "You seem upset, what is the matter?" You asked while glancing at the cherry boy.

"I just... I just feel a bit lonely." He states, waiting for the Princess to respond, his eyes widen at her statement, "if you feel lonely, then we can be lonely together, but tell me darling, why do you seem so blue?"

He paused in a soft silence, not really awkward, but not comfortable either.

"Nori dear, what's truly bugging you, or do you still not know?" You asked while lightly holding his hand. He chuckled lightly, "Lady Y/N, did you know Nori means seaweed, are you implying that my uniform looks like seaweed?" He questioned.

You smiled light heartedly, "I didn't know that, I am truly sorry, Noriaki dear." He chuckled a little, and smiled a true smile. Seeing him smile you smiled as well and kissed his cheek. "I must go know, but you shall see my later, darling" and with that you walked off.

~With kakyoin~

The cherry boy sat at his desk and pulled out a pen and some paper and started writing a story, he titled it 'The Cherry and The Princess'

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