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You and Kakyoin weren't together but everyone thought you were because of the way you guys acted. It's not your faults! It's the way you were raised? You and Kakyoin happened to over hear a conversation.

"They have to be together! They eat off the same donut!" Avdol exclaimed. Joseph nodded "yeah and I've seen them kiss each other, I mean it's not like a real long one but it counts!" He said crossing his arms.

You burst through the doors. "Who the F wanna die?" You asked. You weren't too upset but you wanted stuff from them so you milked it. "Hmph" you turned away mad at all of them.

"I'll give you a dozen donuts if you stop being mad at me." Polneraff said and you turned around. "Polneraff will love another day! Now Jotaro what will you sacrifice?" Yiu asked while looking at the tall teen.

"I'll give you one of my dolphin plushies," he blushes lightly, "but you can't have the giant one, it's star's" he said you giggled a little "didn't think you'd have such things Jotaro but I accept. Jotaro is clear! Avdol?"

"I'll give you anything you want!" He said you looked at Kakyoin, "what would you like?" You asked. "Cherries." You turned back to Avdol. "Cherries and chocolate covered strawberries." You said and he nodded and went to get them.

"Avdol is clear now what about you Joseph" you stared at him until he ran off and bought a giant cherry plushie and a dog plushie that looked like Iggy and came back and gave it to you and Kakyoin. You both giggled as Avdol came back and gave you your stuff. "Alright lets go" they all nodded and you guys left.
Needless to say they never talked about you and kakyoin's relationship again.

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