Sleepy Sunflower

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"Hey Y/N!" Jojo said while waving. "Hello, Jojo!"

"I have an invite for you!" He said excitedly, "for what?" You asked, "it's a masquerade ball! He's doing it because of me and dio's grades!" He said he said while bouncing up and down.

"I'll be there!" You laughed a little.

~L/N estate~


"Like he would dance with me of all people." You blushed a little thinking about it 'it is a nice thought though'

"If your great grandfather was here, he would be crying in the corner all pathetic." She said laughing a little. "Wasn't be a vicious 'lord of pillar men'?" You asked. "Yes but he gets sentimental."

~at the ball~

"Y/N! You look beautiful!" Jojo gasped. "Thanks Jojo!" You smiled at him and pat his head. "I'm going to see Erina now. Goodbye!" He walked away. "Lover boy" you muttered to yourself. There was a hug from behind you, "hey Y/N" Dio yawned.

"Are you seriously tired now of all times?" You asked while laughing a little. "I'm sorry I get tired!" He said yawning again. "Let's go." You sighed. "Where are we going?" He asked, "we're just gonna sit and talk, alright?" He nodded "okay, dear"

"Call me dear again and I'll smack you." You said. "No need to be so mean." He said. "Yeah yeah big man"


"Jonathan? Where is Dio and Y/N? You said she was here, and Dio is no where to be seen."

"They're over there" he pointed at the two. "Since when did they become a cou-"

"They aren't the two of them are too oblivious" Jojo interjected

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