School days

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Okay in this dio is not bad and he's your dad and kindergarten teacher and Joseph joestar is in this enjoy

You and your dad stepped through the classroom. You had to come a little early because your dad was the teacher here. You clutched tightly to his hand and you were afraid to let go.

"Y/N. You can let go now. Don't worry about school okay? I'll be right here." Yoy nodded and sat at a chair and a group of kids came in.

A kid with cherry red hair, little khaki shorts, cherry earrings, and a cherry shirt, to the left of him was a kid who was slightly taller, wore a hat, with black pants on, and a dolphin shirt, behind him was a boy that had brown hair so dark it looked black, he also had on black pants, but his shirt had a plane on it, and next to that kid was a kid with silver hair, he had on blue shorts and a shirt that had a cat on it, then after that kid there was another, he had brown hair that looked really weird red shorts on and a shirt that had a red bird on it. They all came and sat at your table while your dad talked to the parents a little and greeted some kids.

They all turned to you and introduced themselves. The cherry guy waved with a smile "my name is Noriaki Kakyoin."

You waved at him and looked at the dude with a dolphin shirt. "Jotaro Kujo"

You nodded and looked at the cat dude. "Jean Pierre Polneraff"

You smiled a little and looked at the dude with a plane on his shirt. "Joseph Joestar!!" He pointed to the guy with a red bird on his shirt and said "that's my friend Mohammad Avdol!"

"Oh hello guys my name is Y/N Brando!"

You all giggled and started talking with each other and stuff.

When class began, you guys talked throughout the whole assignment, even while your das was talking.

"Hey you guys in the back quiet down a little." Dio said calmly while you guys quieted down.

The end of the day soon came and you guys got sad and frowny, someone particular came and tapped your shoulder and you looked at them.

Joseph ending
"Hey Y/N!! I was wondering if we could play in the park together! With my cousin, and our friends?" You nodded and looked at your dad who nodded. "Yeah sure lets go!!" You guys started leaving and Dio left with the parents and was talking with them and you and your friends went to the park, but you bonded the best with Joseph, You two were peas in a pod! I wonder what you guys planned in the future?

Avdol ending
"Hello Y/N." You smiled at the sweet boy, he's was kind and quiet. "Yeah?" You asked him he got all fidgety. "I was wondering if you would like to come to dinner with me and my mom, and Joseph?" He asked, your dad leaned down and looked at Avdol. "Don't worry we're coming over for dinner your mom already asked me" he smiled and Avdol smiled too. He took your hand and you, him and Joseph ran ahead while your parents laughed while watching you guys bond. Who knows what the future may hold for you two?

Polneraff ending
"Bonjour!" he waved at you. You looked up from the play dough and smiled. "Hi Jean!" He says with you and started playing with the play dough with you and you guys talked and bonded. Dio and his mom were talking about how Jean was in school and boring stuff like that, you didn't pay attention, you didn't care, you were playing with your best friend! You two have a good future together!

Kakyoin ending
"H-hi!" You looked up from your drawing and smiled, "hi Nori" he tugged your arm, "lets go out to the playground just me and you!" You nodded and ran past your parents and ran out the door and went to the sandbox and built a castle together and had a lot of fun with your newfound best friend. The future holds a lot of secrets but we know that whatever may happen it won't separate you guys!!

Jotaro ending
There standing behind you was Jotaro, he was the most quiet out of the group. "Yeah?" You asked glancing down at the book he had in his hand. It was about sea life. "I was wondering if you would want to read this with me?" He held the boom out to you and you nodded excitedly and ran over to the bean bag chair. You two sat and looked at the pictures and commented on them. Whatever comes in the future for you both it's not gonna stop you guys!

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