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You had woken up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. "Morning! How did you sleep last night?" Jojo asked you. "WHAT THE HECKO?!" You shouted, Jojo fell out of the bed. "What we're you doing In my bed?? You were supposed to sleep on the air mattress that's on the floor!"

"I had a nightmare." He frowned, "you had a nightmare? What are we 5?" You asked, "listen, I needed to be comfortable and there was this reversed power dynamic vibe from me sleeping on the ground and you sleeping up there" he explained, "ah yes, how mighty I am up on my twin XL." You said, "that's not what I meant-"

"Silence in the presence of you queen, who sleeps a lofty 12.5 inches above the ground." You joked, "I'm not ashamed, I slept comfortably in the bed, and I bet you did too!" He said, "yeah" you said sarcastically. "You know what? How did you sleep last night?" Jojo asked, "best sleep I've had in a while actually-" you admitted, ge gasped "the queen slept peacefully with a peasant in the bed?" You rolled your eyes a smiled a little.

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