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You and Joseph joestar grew up together under Erina. You have a necklace with your great grandmothers soul in it. This is her first encounter with Joseph and Salad man.

~Joseph first~

"Y/N I know you hate it when I come out without warning, but I just want to meet Joseph because I barely talk to him! So how are ya?" Jane asked.

Joseph who's too dumb to be afraid "I'm good!"

"Aww wonderful, you and Y/N would be so adorable together!" She said cheekily.

"Oh really?" Joseph asks.

"GREAT GRANDMOTHER!!!! GET BACK IN HERE!!!!" You shouted, your face very red.

~Caesar time~

"Y/N how are you?" Jane asks with a smile on her face. "WHY ARE YOU HERE NOW?!?!" You shouted.

"I want to speak to the blonde zepelli" she said while looking at Caesar salad.

"Uh- hello miss" he said.

"You may call me Lady L/N, I'm Y/N's great grandmother of long ago, at the time of alchemy and hamon tribes." She explained.

"Of course Lady L/N" Caesar said.

"Y/N, Dear you'd be better off dating Joseph, plus you've known him longer and he's adorable!" She smiled cheekily at you.


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