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Well, You're fighting a stand... With your bud Joot.

"Damn love stand!" You shout and go to attack the stand user, he gets hit, but before the stand was defeated the stand attacks Jotaro, possessing him and he starts going nuts!!

"Y/N!!! I LOVE YOU Y/N!!!" He starts chasing you and you start running away.

"POLNERAFF I NEED TO USE YOUR HAIR!!!" He looked confused and you crawled onto his head and hid on his hair. Jotaro came up to Polneraff "HAVE YOU SEEN Y/N!?!" He shouted.

Polneraff shook his head and Jotaro sighed aggressively "LET ME KNOW IF YOU SEE HER!" He walked off and Y/N crawled down and Jotaro sees you and starts chasing you again. You ran and hide inside kakyoin's coat.

Joot looks around "Y/N! Y/N!" He looks around and sends star platinum out to look for you. He finds you but you offer him a piece of pizza and he goes back and eats it. You sneak out of kakyoin's coat and run off, Kakyoin follows while filming because it's funny. Joot follows you and you continue running around and hiding until it wears off. "Goodness Y/N you look tired" Kakyoin started laughing at Jotaro's statement. "Why are you laughing?" Joot looked confused.

You explained everything and Joot chuckled a little. "Sorry about that Y/N" you huffed, trying to catch your breath. He picked you up and carried you around and you eventually napped in his arms ans dreampt aboit the whole weird experience.

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