Crazy Glare

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"This is my new brother, Dio. Dio this is my friend Y/N." He introduced, you waved, "hello Dio, it's a pleasure to meet you." You said, with a slight smile. He looks weird. You thought, but shrugged it off lightly.

So this is the Y/N that Jojo keeps talking about. I'll take her away from Jojo too! "The pleasure is all mine. Ms. L/N" he bowed a little. Though she seems warm.. and kind

"Come on Y/N lets go!" Jojo said while grabbing your hand. "Very well, let's go." You laughed a little. "I'll watch them just in case" Dio muttered.

~later in a boxing match~

"ALRIGHT!!!! DIO BRANDO VERSUS... NO WAY!!! Y/N L/N!!! THE CHAMPION HAS RETURNED!!!!" The ref shouted and the crowd cheered. "I said I'd be back in 3 months! What did ya expect? Anyway let's begin!" You said, feeling pumped.

"Of course!! BEGIN!!"

~You punched Dio to the ground and stepped on him~

"I win, Brando." You said, glaring a little "Heh, you win Y/N" what the hell why do I feel like this?! Darn it!

You fake yawned, "well I'll be going, patch yourself up."

~later on~

"You were amazing Y/N!!" Jojo said while giving you a great big bear hug. You pat his back. "Thanks Jojo!"

~Dio's diary~

So that new girl Y/N had beaten me in a fight. And I liked it? I honestly don't know. I was in pain and she glared at me, I honestly don't know why, but I slightly wished she stayed there a little longer. I might have brain damage for thinking this. Something is defiantly wrong with me. -Dio

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