Ice skating

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You and Kakyoin decided to go on an once skating date. Well... you didn't tell him you aren't very good at it because he seemed excited and you didn't wanna ruin the fun.

You and Kakyoin laced up your skates and he stood up and slid out on the ice perfectly without even stumbling. You wobbly stood up and grabbed the ledge before you slipped.

Kakyoin noticed you and grabbed your hand, "you can't skate can you?" He laughed a little at you, you sighed "I'm sorry Kak. I didn't wanna ruin t-" even with Kakyoin holding your hand you still managed to slip and drag him down with you causing you both to start laughing.

You both looked at each other and smiled before Kakyoin stood up and helped you. He grabbed your hand gently and kissed it, "how about we skate hand in hand, your royal highness" he joked while laughing. You smiled and laughed with him.

You guys skated a while before sitting down and unlacing your skates and putting your regular shoes back on. Kakyoin looked at you, "I had so much fun, Y/N" he smiled, you looked at him, "me too!"

Kakyoin blushed a little before leaning over and kissing you softly, you were surprised for a minute before kissing back. "What was that for?" You asked, he blushes a little and rubbed the back of his head.

"Cause I like you a lot, Y/N!" He smiled and held your hand before helping you up and holding his warm hand, "I like you a lot Cherry" you smiled at him and he walked you home.

Hope y'all enjoy this! It was super fun to write! I just love Kakyoin 🍒

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