That wasnt supposed to happen-

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"Dear descendent of mine~" Jane said trying to get your attention. "What did you do now great grandma Jane?" You asked.

"You know what ring your mom gave you?" She asked. "Yeah what did you do?" You asked. "I accidentally cursed it." She said bluntly. "WHATS THE CURSE DO?!?" You asked loudly.

"Makes anyone you ask a question tell you the truth." You had a smirk plastered on your lips.

~time skip brought by your hot waiter Dio~

"Hello Dio! I got a question." You said walking up to him with an innocent smile. "Okay?" Yiu asked.

"Do you love me Dio?" Yiu asked with a smirk.

"Yes I do- WAIT THAT WASNT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!!" He shouted clearly embarrassed. "So do you love me?" You asked again.

"Ye-" You just kissed him softly.

He flushed bright red and you walked away smugly.

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