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Okay you and Joseph are about 7 in this so you're innocent angels, and this is where Dio is your dad and he's not bad!

Joseph, your best friend was over at your house because he comes over a lot. You guys were laying in bed and talking when you start to speak.

"Can you promise me something, Joseph?" You asked while looking at him, his cheeks dusted a light pink but you didn't notice.

"Okay sure what is it?" He asks.

"Promise me. Promise me Joseph, that you'll always hold my hand when I'm scared!" You said, tears welling in your eyes.

"Okay. I promise I'll hold your hand when you're scared." He said while wiping your tears away.

You started holding his hand causing him to look around in confusion. "Y/N? What are you scared of?"

"I'm scared if I let go of your hand you'll disappear."

Joseph went all red and froze. He forgot how to breathe.

Scenario wasn't mine I found it on the internet

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