Stupid Blonde

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Okay I need to explain before we get started that anytime a 'Jane' is mentioned she's NOT cannon. Just needed to explain she's just a little oc that me and _-Simple-_Girl-_ came up with.

Jane's little ghost starts poking you. "Wake up dear descendant of mine! You gotta go see Jonathan!" She says as you jump out of bed and race ti get dressed. "I HAVENT SEEN JOJO IN FOREVER!!!!" You shout while getting all excited.

"But don't you send letters?" Jane asks and you shake your head, "not the same thing."

~little time skip brought to you by lazy author heh~

You knocked on the door and waited for it to open you heard George shouting "BOYS GET DOWN HERE WE HAVE AN IMPORTANT GUEST!!" He shouted up the stairs. "Comijg father." You heard Jojo say. "Yes, Mr. Joestar." You heard an unfamiliar voice say.

'If this person is close to Jojo I can use it against him!' The stranger thought.

The door opened and George greeted you and then introduced you. "Introducing, Y/N, L/N!"

You waved and Jojo came over and hugged you, "Y/N!!!!" You pat his back. "Jojo who is this new guy?" You asked pointing to the blonde. 'Weird' you thought.

"This is my new brother, Dio Brando" you waved and smiled.

"Hello, Ms. L/N" he bowed a little. 'What is this weird feeling?' He thought to himself. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dio" he nodded.

Jojo and you then went outside to play with Danny, while Dio secretly watching you both.

"Dinner is ready guys." Dio says as you guys go inside and you sit next to Dio and talk to him during dinner.

~2 month time skip cause I'm lazy~

You and Dio became quite good friends, you stated spacing out while he was talking so you didn't hear what he said but you lightly shook your head, as Dio yawned, "You tired?" You asked him and he nodded "just a little"

"You can lean on me if you'd like" you kissed his cheek and then his forehead. 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' Dio mentally screamed. "I don't want to burden you" Dio said still mentally screaming. "You won't be it's alright." He reluctantly agreed and fell asleep on your shoulder.

"Y/N's got a boyfriend!!" Jane teased and yiu rolled your eyes and played with Dio's hair a bit.

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