His birthday

336 3 7

You're still married in this scenario

You sneakily got out of bed and stretched a little, today was your husbands birthday and you wanted to be sweet so you went into the kitchen and made his Favourite breakfast. While that was cooking you wrapped up his presents and got dressed. You were so excited but you let him sleep in. After you plated the food you set the table and started baking a cake.

He soon got up and stretched out and came into the living room and gasped at the sight of you sitting at the table asleep while you were waiting for him to get up. He chuckled and shook you a little. "Morning" you stretched again and gave him a hug. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" You shouted and he laughed a little. "Thank you, you made all this this morning?" He asked and you nodded as he sat down next to you.

"Thanks a lot you didn't have to." You nodded "I know but I wanted to so just eat!" You smiled as he nodded and began eating, you did too. Then you sang to him before giving him his gifts and after dinner you gave him his cake. It was a good day.

You sighed groggily because you were up all night getting ready for Avdol's birthday. He was sound asleep in the room still which made you relieved. You started icing his cake with red orange and yellow icing making it look like fire.

After you finished you sighed happily at your work and started makikg breakfast, you made him pancakes and bacon. Once it was done you plated his food and turned around and squealed because turns out he was staring at you while you cooked.

"Morning, Y/N" he said casually as if he didn't scare you. You took a deep breath. "Morning dear" you said calming down. "I know you've been out here all night so we're gonna eat breakfast and go back to bed" he said in a matter of factly way. You sighed and nodded and ate breakfast with him then he carried you to bed and you cuddled and slept the whole day.

He was awake before you were! You woke up to him shouting "ITS MY BIRTHDAY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" you stretched out and went out to him and he was all happy and jumping around. "Yes I know it is." How about I make us some-"

"Let's go hurry we gotta go to IHOP!" He bounces around. "Okay." You said getting dressed and grabbing the keys and drive over there and he was so excited he grabbed you and ran inside and they seated you guys at the corner booth and after you ate breakfast you went back and sat on the couch and watched stuff with him and after supper you ate the cake you made him and he had a good day.

Polneraff didn't want much so you just gave him breakfast in bed and watched his favourite shows with him but after a while you went in the kitchen and baked him a cake. He came in and helped you bake the cake because he likes licking the bowl.

"Hey cake is done what kind of icing you want?" You asked him and he responded with "strawberry!! And please make extra so I can lick the bowl okay?" He asked you giggled and nodded "alright" and did so and after it was dont you had cake and enjoyed yourself.

He was asleep on the couch because the poor baby was sick the worst days of all to be sick on is your birthday. So you decided to make it up to him by making him some homemade soup. You could hear him sniffle from the couch so you went over to check on him, he was laying there reaching for the tissues so you handed him one and he blew his nose. You sighed sadly and checked his forehead, he still had a fever so you brought him a small bowl of soup and went back in the kitchen and made him a cake and he was watching tv and you just took care of him while he was sick and had cake later.

Cherry boy was awake and making breakfast on his birthday. "Y/N!! Hurry breakfast is done!" You got up out of bed and went at the table and he served breakfast and after that you did the dishes and made him a cherry cake and you had a slice of that with lunch and he was a happy boy on his birthday.

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