Silly singer pt. 5

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The fans were cheering, loudly, and excitedly. "I'm gonna go deaf some day brother." You said to Noriaki. "You were the one who got all famous at the school." He said with a playful smirk. "Silence foolish nerd boy!" You giggled a little, he gasped loudly, "I am your twin brother!" He said, squinting his eyes playfully.

"Callate" you said. "Fine!" He exclaimed, "I'll go find Jojo, see ya!" and with that yoi trotted off in hopes of finding Jojo.

~with ocean man~

"JOJO! JOJO! JOJO!" The women squealed, "sh-" he was cut off, "hey Jojo!" You shouted at him while running down the hall. "Oh hey Y/N." He flushed a light red, as soon as they saw you the girls ran off, and left you and Jojo by yourselves. "Come on I wanna show you my costumes for my next show! You might like them!" You said with a big smile on your face. "Fine" he rolled his eyes.


Your stand was talking with Jotaro, "Kujo, you curse in front of my user and I will murder you, am I clear?" He rolled his eyes, "like I care" he said. "You do realize she would be concerned, she might even leave! But then again I am nothing like my user I am more cruel."

"Tch" came the reply

~end flashback~

You showed him the costumes and then played cards.

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