The Jotaro incident

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Part 3 to the being Joseph's assistant series so :p enjoy

You were fixing jotaro's wounds, cause of course he got hurt in a stand battle. You moved his hat and pushed his hair out of his face and he made a grunt sounding noise, you ignored it because you didn't want to embarrass the man.

Later in Jotaro had entered the room, you were contemplating life while Avdol comforted you like the good friend he is. Thank goodness looks can't kill cause if so Jotaro would have dropped dead at the look Joseph was giving him when he walked in.

~later at a stand fight~

"I HATE EVERYTHING" you yeeted a bomb.

Everyone looked like :0 "HOW DID YOU GET THAT?!?!" They shouted.

"I picked it up out of my pocket, duh. And Avdol handed me 20 because stand fights are boring and no one wants a repeat of the Jotaro Incident."

"Exactly" Avdol agreed.

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