The cherry and the princess pt. 2

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This continues right after where we left off.

You walked by kakyoin's door and noticed he was hunched over his desk writing something, you didn't want to bother so you tried to walk away. He must have heard your shoes clack against the floor.

"Princess, what brings you by?" He asked, "and why do you look so sad." He asked you. You sighed, "I don't know, things just seem off somehow. It's too quiet around here." You said, he nodded and got up, "allow me to walk you to your room," you nodded and he offered his arm and you took it.

Once you arrived to your room, you both said your goodbyes. You layed in your bed and sighed before falling asleep.

Kakyoin's point of view

I comtinied writing but something bothered me too. The Princess was right it was kind of quiet, master Dio was always in his room doing whatever. I thought about it, and I got up and went to get a gift.

Y/N point of view

I woke up to something knocking on my door, I opened it and Kakyoin was there with a smile on his face. "Princess I got something for you!" He showed me a puppy and I smiled and gasped. "A puppy!" I shouted while taking the small thing in my arms. "Oh my goodness, thank you Kakyoin!" I said. "She doesn't have a name so you can name her." He said, "alright, I'll name her Cherry, after you. That way when you are gone I'll always think about you." He blushed.

"Yeah, that's perfect" he said.

I hope this was good! I haven't written in a while so I thought I would update! Enjoy!

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