chapter 1

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"Mama, where is my coat? You did laundry yesterday!" Ayeleen called out from her room.

"Look on the iron stand, it must be there, I pressed it yesterday" her mother replied from the kitchen where she was making breakfast for her.

She ran to the iron stand and found her white coat hanging on a hanger. She immediately took it and came back into her room to wear it in front of the mirror. Then she settled her dupatta, and touch up her makeup again which she kept minimal as possible. She picked up her bag from the bed, in which she checked again all her cards and accessories. Satisfied with the last look, she got out of the room and sat at the dining table.

"Eat your breakfast in peace and don't be in a hurry" her mother advised her while placing the breakfast in front of her.

"Mama you always tell me, but you already know that if I get late to the hospital, it will create a problem for me, it's my last year of housework" she explained.

"I know everything, now do as I said and don't forget to wake up your brothers and sisters for school before leaving" she replied while pouring tea.

"Okay got it, baba has already left, so now Amar will drop them to school? He has university today, he will get late too" she asked while chewing the last bite of the bread slice.

"Yes he will drop them, now wake them up already or they will get late to school" she scolded.

"Yes I'm going" she cleaned her mouth with a tissue and stood picking up her bag. Then she went to her brother's room where they both were sleeping.

"Amar wake up! You have university today and you also have to drop Ayan, Aysel and Azra off at school. Wake up! Or mama will scold you" she jolted him while he was half awake.

"Ok ok got it I'm coming" he replied half sleeping.

Then she again placed the bag on her shoulder, picked her car keys from the top of the fridge, and sat on the chair to wear her wedges. She gave herself a last look in the mirror and headed out.

"Allah Hafiz mama" she called out while opening the gate.

"Allah Hafiz beta, may god take you in his protection" her mother replied from her brother's room, who was not in the mood of going to school.

She inserted the car keys and turn on the engine. She looked behind from the rearview mirror. There was no one to be seen at this hour. With skills, she headed the car on the road. She turned on the light music on the system to soothe her nerves.

She reached the hospital at 7:30. Her friends and co-mates were already in the staff room enjoying the coffee of winter. She opened the door and all the attention was diverted towards her.

"Hello! Was sup? I guess I'm late but I'm sorry" she said while placing her bag on the table.

"Nothing just enjoying the coffee, in this cold weather to warm ourselves and putting some stamina to work all day. And there's nothing to worry about, you are not late" her friend, Afet replied while sipping on her coffee. And she received smiles from all her fellows.

"Well nice bag" her fellow commented while gazing at her bag.

"My mother's choice" she replied laughing while making a cup of coffee for herself.

Her day started at 08:00 am when patients started to arrive. And each house job officer had to stick with a senior doctor to treat and learn from them.

She was sitting with a female senior doctor, Dr Samantha in the room. And patients were coming one by one for their specific treatment. Dr Samantha first hears their problem and checks the symptoms and explains things to Ayeleen that she couldn't understand about their disease or she questioned.
It was a short day, and there were no more patients by 04:00 pm. Ayeleen went to the canteen to have her lunch with her friends. Her friend Afet was her close friend from high school. They both knew each other very well. They both were about the same age but Ayeleen was one year behind Afet because she couldn't clear the medical test on the first attempt and had to retry. On the second attempt, she cleared it and made it to the same university as Afet and then again they both got together. Afet was now working as a junior doctor in the same hospital after completing her house job, while Ayeleen was in the final year of her house job.

They both ate the burgers along with the rest of their friends and chit-chatted along. They had a group of friends including male mad female friends, and they all worked together. Ayeleen's shift was already completed and she was about to go home when she received a text from Dr Samantha she immediately opened it.

'Ayeleen I would like to see you in my office now if you haven't left for home' it read.
She stood up and excused her friends as she thought it could be an emergency because Dr Samantha never asked for her after working hours. She crossed the hall and entered Dr Samantha's office which was located on the right of the corridor opposite the wards. She knocked and immediately heard the reply.

Turning the door knob she entered, Dr.Samantha was sitting on her chair with a worried face.

"Is there everything alright Dr Samantha?" She asked cautiously.

"I've got some serious emergency at home and I cannot attend today's evening shift. Can you do me a favour?" She asked.

"Sure" she replied.

"I would like you to replace my shift till 08:00 pm after that I'll send another doctor to my place to stay up for the night. Can you do that? If you're comfortable?" She asked while looking at her.

"Sure, Dr Samantha. It will be my pleasure to help you" she replied, giving her a light smile.

"Thank you so much Ayeleen, you have just unloaded a big load off my shoulders. I'm so grateful to you. I'll make sure the substitute doctor reaches before 08:00 pm so you can go home too before midnight" she said being grateful.

"No problem" she replied, happy at the thought that she helped her.

"I'll get going then" she picked up her bag and headed towards the door.

"Bye doctor," she said on her back.

Then she texted Afet telling her about the situation. Her friend replied wishing her the best of luck. Then she made a call to her mother, to tell her that she will get up late today.

"Why she asked you only? There are other doctors too, you should have denied her. She just asked you on purpose so you have to do her work too and now you will not even have dinner with us. That's a pity" her mother said nonstop and cursed the doctor for leaving her daughter in the hospital for the night.

"Mama please don't overreact, I'm alright and it's a great chance for me to deal with patients on my own so I can learn more and prove to Dr Samantha that I'm a useful doctor who is passionate about her work" she replied, trying to convince her mother.

"Ok ok now stop it, drive safely and read all the Duas I've told you before driving and if you feel unsafe just call me I'll send Amar or your father to pick you up" her mother interrupted her.

"Okay thanks bye"


She put the phone aside and sat on the chair to relax. It was almost 6 in the evening and there were no serious patients as it was a weekday. On weekends, more emergency accident patients need immediate treatment but today it was peaceful and she only had to look at some ward patients and review their vitals.

She almost drank three cups of coffee since morning and still, she was in the mood for another coffee because it was too cold in the evening. She took off her coat and placed it on her chair and turned on the heater. She tried to spend her time reviewing the detail of diseases she found today in patients.

It was 07:15 when a nurse came into her office and told her that she needs to see a patient but he is a senior person and counted as a VIP due to his father who pay yearly donations to this hospital.

"You don't have to tell me all that, all patients are equal and I treat all of them with the same sincerity. Just send him to my office." She told the nurse and she made a fool face and went away.
Her hair was a mess now which was made into a bun in the morning, due to her hectic routine and she didn't have a chance to look at herself in the mirror and tie them again. She stuck the strands of her hair behind her ear and settled her chiffon dupatta on her head.

In a moment the door opened and a man, with a perfect muscular body, pulchritudinous, with a clean cut and impressive personality entered.....

Author's note
This is the first chapter of my favourite story, which I created passionately with the help of some true events and my imagination. This is pure fanfiction with a mixture of reality. I hope you'll like it and I expect you guys that if you enjoy this story then plz vote on the chapter.
Yours truly

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