chapter 12

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The car stopped in front of her house. She hurriedly collected her things from her lap to get out of the car.
By surprise he held her hand pulled her back.

"Why are you in hurry to get back?" He asked with a smirk.
She remained silent as she knew he was trying to taunt her.

"You know what, I have a option for you. Let's get out of this marriage thing and go our ways. I'm getting bored in Pakistan. I want to go back to Dubai but due to this marriage I'll have to stay another 10 days" he said making a fake sad face.

"What? Are you serious?" She asked in extreme shock.

"Yes babe, ofcourse I'm serious" he replied back with an arched brow.

"What option do you have?" She asked anxiously.

"I'll tell you tomorrow in hospital, wait for me till 6pm. I have another meeting with management. I'll tell you then" he said with a mischievous smile.
She was too innocent and naive to understand the double meaning behind his words. And he was so professional to trap his prey in his den.

He raised his hand to her face and grazed the cut mark on her lips making her shiver all over. Her lips were little swollen now, and they looked plump due to it.
She flinched back a little. He suddenly grabbed her from her nape and pulled her forward in place, close to him.

"Apply and ointment on your lip. I might taste you again and if your lips didn't heal then it will cause you unbearable pain" he said while looking at her lips and then into her eyes hungrily.

Her eyes were dark black while his were ocean blue, deep like a ocean. For the first time she was getting trapped in his eyes. They were so deep, they were telling his nature. Brutal, inhumane, lust, stone hearted, atrocious cruelties. That's what she saw in his eyes but she didn't wanted to believe it.
'How a man can be this fiendish?' she thought and backed away her thoughts.
She tried to pull away from his grip and suddenly he let her go, which made her fall backwards and she hit her head on the window mirror.
She ached in pain.

"Oh no, now you'll have to take a painkiller too" he said and started laughing and got out of the car.

Tears formed but she looked upwards and tried to pull them back and don't let them fall. She was used to it. She wanted to be strong.
She picked up her things and got out of the car.

As they went inside, their parents were sitting in the drawing room chatting with their cup of tea in their hands.
As they came in view their all attention diverted towards them.
Ayeleen stood beside the couch, as she didn't wanted to sit down and go straight to her room. While Umer sat beside his mother.

"How was your dinner Ayeleen? I hope Umer didn't teased you much" his mother asked to Ayeleen with interest as she was completely unaware of his son's tactics.

"It was fun. We had a great time" she lied as she could feel the impatient gazes on her, from all the people around her, including her parents.

Then she excused and went back to her room. She changed her clothes instantly and lied down in her bed, turning the lights off. She tried to sleep but she couldn't. She closed her eyes and wanted the sleep to took over her. But despite feeling dizzy she couldn't sleep. With no thought she took out the pills and engulfed one. She knew the will do it's work and will make her sleep peacefully till morning. And she will be able to get up on time too.
As she closed her eyes, Yahya's sight came in few in front of her eyes. She shut open her eyes immediately.
His thought made her heart go like crazy and pain was now hovering over her.
She wanted to escape her thoughts but she was finding it difficult.
She again closed her eyes and tried to not think of him, she don't know when she dived into sleep and got separated from this world.

In morning, she was having her breakfast when she found her parents happy and looking at her with admiration. She looked up to them and her mother smiled.
Her eyes were questioning the same question as her mind. It was very weird for her that they were smiling to her.

"We are proud of you Ayeleen. We are happy that you're marrying Umer. And in ten days you will go away to start a new life" her mother stated.

She looked at her mother with misery. How happy they were, while she sacrificing herself for their happiness. They didn't gave her right to argue and impose her decisions on her own life. And here she was, welcoming all the cruelties in her life with happiness just because of them.

'i wish they never get to know and I never get to meet them again' she made a wish in her mind as response. And taking her bag she stood up and got out of the house.

She reached the hospital at usual time and sat with her friends for a while. Her sadness despite being visible in her eye was invisible to everyone. She tried to lift up her mood with their funny jokes as they were cracking jokes after one another.
There was a time when she used to laugh wholeheartedly at each one of them without caring about people's opinions. But now she was hollow inside, and everyday was making this pit more deep.
She didn't know, what she was getting herself into, but she was getting bad vibes each day. And her subconscious kept warning her to make herself safe and don't do this marriage.
But she had to push herself into it for the sake of her parents.

The passed in haste and clock struck 6 quickly in the evening. Her friends were gone and she was sitting in the room, sipping on her coffee after a tired day and trying to read a novel to make herself busy and divert her mind from all the stress she was getting these days. She loved reading fanfiction and romance because they helped her to escape in her own world which she created herself according to her preferences. The hero always had been Yahya in her imagination but now that hero did not had a face. And she just assumed it to be someone who will love her till eternity.

Her sedulous thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and Umer appeared with his as usual handsome, charming but dominant personality.
She placed the cup on her table and closed the book after placing a bookmark inside which was also painted by her.

To her astonishment, before stepping towards her he locked her the door before.

"Why are you locking the door? Open it!" She started to panic.

"Relax I dont want anyone to disturb us between so I told the nurse that we are having private talk. And door needs to be locked in case." He explained while blocking her way while she was now standing in front of him to unlock the door.

"No still open it. We can talk like this" she stood firmly.

"You're so troublesome that I always have to use my ways" he said and pushed her to the nearest wall.
Her back touched the wall with a jerk and a wave of pain ran through it.

"What are you doing? You're out of your mind! Let me go!" She panicked and tried to escape.
While he blocked her way by placing his both hands beside her.

"Don't make it difficult Ayeleen" he said through gritted teeth.

Then he placed his one hand on her mouth to shut her screaming. Her hands crawled around his hands to resist and lose his grip.
He dangerously leaned forward into her face and looked in her hollow, sorrowful eyes, which were now releasing continuous tears and letting them fall on her cheeks.
There was helplessness in her eyes. She was pleading him. But it only made him more vicious.

His other hand move forward and slid away the dupatta from her neck in a sway. Now it was lying on the floor.
He moved forward and nuzzled into her neck, filling his nostrils with her sweet fragrance. His lips touched her warm neck, and he could feel her heart beating violently in pericardium. It made him more hungry and he placed wet kisses on her neck, giving hickeys and ruining the soft, sensitive spot. He bit every inch of her skin until it was red. Her hair tied into bun giving him full access. Her hands continuously trying to push him away but not succeeding. He moved forward to her ear and took her earlobe in his teeth. Then he placed kisses on her jawline. With every exploring, his sexual appetite was increasing.
His sudden movement of his right hand towards her right breast and ferocious groping, made her eyes popped out and something else settled before her eyes as she went into past........

Author's note
Plz follow me on Wattpad and on Instagram @novel_writer18.

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