chapter 37

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She pushed him away with all her might. Surprisingly he got away and released her.

"You're a bastard!" She screamed in his face as tears of pain started falling.

The amused expression on his face turned into a serious one, as his jaw tightened and he clenched his teeth at her words.
He took a step closer towards her, scaring her but the disgust in her eyes didn't fade away.

"What did you just say?" He asked dangerously daring her to speak her words again.
She was startled, and started to panic.

"Repeat it if you have guts" he provoked her more, standing so close that they breath same air.

"You're a bastard! You're no different than a animal" as soon as these words left her lips, a hard slap landed on her left cheek making her fall on the floor.

She held her burning cheek, and looked at him with more hate. The slap was so hard that she was afraid, her jaw might be moved.

His own hand burned after the contact. Her eyes held pure fiery, hate and disgust for him. And he couldn't stand it.

"Mind your language, I will not tolerate disrespect" he said through gritted teeth as his eyes sparked with aggression.

"Amazing! You will not tolerate disrespect but you can forcefully marry a girl, ruin her life and then cheat on her. And hurt her in the most disgusting way. Remember this Mr Umer! you will regret it one day, really bad. And I will run from you, so far that you will never be able to find me" she stood up and said everything in his face, despite the sting feeling on her face.
She herself don't know where she got the guts to say that but her words infuriated him more.

In a blink he gripped her by her throat. His grip was so tight that the air in her windpipe couldn't reach her lungs, she was lacking oxygen.

"You fucking need to learn manners! Don't forget this is my life and I'll make the rules. I'll do what I want, and fuck cheating you. I already told you I'll lose interest in you now or later. And you wanna run? Try that I bet once I'll find you doing that, I won't spare your life" he hissed into her ear.

Now she was choking on air, she was desperately begging for air. The darkness was hovering over her eyes, she found herself losing consciousness, but it was then he pulled out his hand.

His words rang in her ear for a long time, ' i won't spare your life'

"Now get yourself together, we're leaving in 10 minutes" he told her and left the room.


That's what she got all these years. Never once in her life someone ever tried to love her. She was broken, fragile, but no one was ever there to help her out. Even those who ever loved her, first hurted her badly.
She was losing trust in life, she was losing hope of better days now.

She tried to get up. She took slow steps towards the mirror and stood there. The large mirror clearly showed her disheveled state.

Her hollow eyes, his fresh almost bleeding bite shone and reflected back to her. Her left cheek, clearly showing his handprint, the dried blood on her lip.
Everything on her body was proof of his assault.

After dressing up again in ten minutes and taking care of her look, she exited the room. She came downstairs and found him standing in front of her.

He looked at her intensely, in her poor state. She could sense his eyes digging holes in her whole being.
In a matter of second he came forward, trying to take the breath out of her.

But it didn't happened.

"Let's go now" he said and left the place.
She silently took hesitant steps behind him.
She was so broken inside that she couldn't even lift her eyes to see his manly but inhumane face.

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