chapter 11

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She resisted and tried to push him away. But his hold was strong than her all strength.
He couldn't get satisfied, she was like a sweet delight to him. Something didn't let him get enough.
He was losing his control over her. He wanted to devour her all at once.
Her constant resistance was making him attract to her more.
His tongue roamed and touched each corner, sucked her lips until they were red and swollen.
She didn't wanted to lose and kept trying to get away, but his dominant hold didn't budge.

'sometimes you should accept defeat and let others conquer you, because when their heart turns to stone, you can't just make them realize by attaining. Just let them have it all, and one day they will regret'
Someone's words rang in her ear, and she almost lost her hope. Tears surrounded her eyes and she closed them.
She already accepted everything, why not this?
But it was her body, she owns it. How can she let someone invade it without her permission?
But she was already handing over her existence to him, in few days and that's what her parents call marriage. Why not this?
Everything was processing in her mind fastly. She never dreamed of it. She wanted a happy life, like everyone but only lucky ones procure. And she was not one of them.
When her salty, warm tears touched his face as their faces came in contact, He stopped. He got away, leaved her hands. Her eyes were shut, and tears were flowing constantly.
Her mind was screaming to her, you lost it! How can you let him win? You were never this weak! Her mind was protesting continuous but her heart was wounded deeply, it was hurt, nearly dying.
The little confidence, her firm smile and her eloquent personality faded away. He won! But for him it was just start. He couldn't win so easily, did she already lost to him?
No it can't be! He needs more, not yet! He will shatter her in this way that her pieces will fall so far, that she will not be able to collect them, even if she tries for all her life.
She belonged to him, every inch of her. And he can do anything he wants, like a master over his slave.
And he didn't even took his Revenge on her yet.
But her state was telling him something else, she was already broken. How can you break someone who's already broken? Who's trying everytime their best to stand up again and face the challenges of their life. But fall in end.
But his heart was stained, and he couldn't see through her.
She opened her eyes after a moment, when she felt that he is no more forcing himself on her.
He was already watching her carefully, looking at her lips which were bleeding, as the cut renewed.
As she looked at him, he lifted his eyes and made a eye contact with her, their eyes met.
He could see the pain in them but couldn't feel it. Because he was heatless.
But something provoked him inside, and he took out a tissue from the box.
Then he gently leaned in, while being cautious she backed away more and stick to the window.
He grabbed her from arm, and pulled her towards him, close.
Then he gently started to wipe the blood from her abused lips. While she was not even hissing in pain, a little cut gave her no physical pain. The wound in her heart was much deep. And their was no cure to it.
She tried to pull away again.

"Can you just let me do it?" He scolded her.

"No! Don't touch me, just leave me!" She shouted.

He pulled her closer, and moved close to her face.
While she shut her eyes once again in fear that he will torture her again.
Looking at her reaction, he couldn't help smile.
Then again he started to wipe the blood lightly.
She opened her eyes and looked at his face while he only focused on her lips.
'my fate had to tie me with such a disgusting man?' a questioned arose in her mind.

'he is so handsome that every girl will fall for him but he himself is so disgusting that not even a ugly girl will prefer him. And only if everyone can know' her mind was processing the thoughts.
She was just released from his torture. And she didn't wanted to spend a second more with him.
As he wiped the blood, he discarded the tissue, while she took out her phone and started to do something on it.
Acknowledging her sudden reaction, he asked curiously,
"What are you doing?"

She remained silent in response, and ignored him.
In a matter of second, he grabbed the phone from her.

"Give my phone back!" She shouted.
She tried to take it back while he looked at the opened app of Uber.
She booked a Uber.
He immediately cancel the ride and turned off the phone.

"Oh so my girl was trying to escape me?" He asked with a smirk while giving her phone back.

"Why did you do it? You're a jerk!" She exclaimed in anger.

"Don't try to do it again or I will throw the phone out of the window. And you know I mean it" he told while making her stiff.

"I guess now we should dine inside the car, as you are not in mood of facing people's gazes" he suggested.

"I don't want to eat anything, just go home!" She said firmly.

"Look babe don't make it difficult for me. You already know it even if I take you somewhere else and rape you right now, no one will here question me until I close their mouth with my money. So be a nice girl and obey me, don't try to go against me ever again. You will only do what I will say" he whispered, leaning close to her ear.
While some part of her brain told her that you shouldn't be afraid of him, and you can beat him.
But the other part warned her and told her to stay careful of her actions. What if he is serious about his words?

He turned down the window mirror and motioned the waiter.
He instantly came with the menu.
Umer took the menu and decided himself as she didn't even looked his way and kept staring at the road and passing cars out of the window.

The waiter took the order and went away. Their was still 10 minutes until their order could be served.

He looked at her turned face. While she remained in her position and didn't gave him any attention. She could feel his gaze on her skin but didn't wanted to face him.

"You know what I have some advice for you" he said and she still didn't look his way.

"If you'll obey me and follow my every order, your life will be easier. Always remember one thing, you can never resist me, I always get what I want, anytime, anywhere. You should keep that in mind. And after our marriage you will learn this thing quickly. And I may let you go one day when I'll get bore of you." He continued and took her hand in his palm and grazed on the ring on her finger.

"Am I your puppet? Do you have to ruin my life like this?" She said calmly and turned down the window mirror.

Cool breeze of the night filled the car and her hair slid away from her shoulders, exposing her neck.
While she looked at the sky which was filled with shiny stars. How much she wished she could just fly away to them and just have her peaceful life filled with love and happiness. Good morning hugs and good night kisses, that's what he's dreamed with Yahya in this cold winter night. And she closed her eyes to feel the moment, to seek the peace, tranquility and fill it into her soul until she feels light like a Chamomile.
While he just looked at her bare neck and thought, why everytime she has to got me all in my feelings all over again.

"You're my puppet and I'm very possessive of my things. I kill the people who try to touch my personal things and you're one of them" he gently tucked her hair strands behind her ear, which were dancing back and forth on her neck.
Then he gently grazed her bare neck with the back of his hand.
It felt smooth and sensitive to his touch. Her body reacted back with goosebumps.
But his touch awoke her from her dream and she came back to the cruel but real world.
She turned to face him and tried to recall his answer, which she didn't gave attention to.
Their eyes met in the darkness and reflect the ardent flames and the fervent atmosphere was just creating a passionate, romantic, and fiery lust within him.
And she was forced to think, 'do I also want him?'
But their moment was interrupted as the waiter knocked on the window.
He opened it and their food was served....

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