chapter 38

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She kissed him with all her might so he could let her go. Every nerve of her body worked to satisfy him so he wouldn't hurt her.
He smiled against her lips when she grabbed him by his hair, fisting them and pulled him close to her being.

'its better this way' he thought and smiled more.

Finally she break away and felt out of breath.
She breathed heavily, her chest heaving up and down. She let go of his hair and maintained her distance.

"Although I don't wanna let go of you now but I'll stick with my word." He stood up while his heated gaze remained at her, shifting from her lips to her chest time to time.
And then he looked in her innocent eyes, unable to break away from them.
It was sigh, satisfaction, happiness of victory in her eyes. Finally she somehow escaped through his torture. She saved herself.

"Now go and sleep, we gotta lot to do in morning" he said and walk away to insert card again in power switch.

She immediately got up and snuggled in the rug before he comes back and find her again.
Pulling covers up to her head, she smiled to herself. This was a smile in ages. She chuckled at her little happiness.

He stood in the doorway, watching her behind covers. There was pin drop silence in the room and it was the sole reason he managed to hear her little chuckle.

'Kiddo' he thought to himself and smiled more, trying to control his laugh.
He moved forward and laid on the opposite side. He turned off the lights and tried to close his eyes.

But he had to admit that it was the best kiss he ever had in his life. It felt like his first kiss. No matter how many times he kissed her but she never willingly responded to him. He loved every inch of it.


It was ten in morning when they were sitting on the little table, having their fresh breakfast.

"I'll drop you to salon. Have a makeover, and I'll attend my meeting with foreigners until then. When I'll finish, I'll pick you up and then we'll go on shopping" he explained his plan while she listened him with interest especially at the mention of salon.

"Salon?" She asked in surprise.

"Yes, dont you girls go there? To gave yourself a look? It's been a while to our marriage, almost like 6 months and you've never been to one. So I thought you might need it" he said casually, sipping on his juice.

"I've only been to salon thrice and one of them includes my wedding makeover" she replied making his eyes go wide.

"You can't be serious! No haircut? Facial? What do you call? Mani, Pedi nothing ever?" She exclaimed in disbelief.

"No I never had one, I trim my hair myself after every 3 to 4 months. I have a skin care routine, take care of myself on my own. I never felt need to go to salon." She replied calmly.

"That's unbelievable for me. Every girl out there goes to salon every week or month. After all you're different but you'll need to go today. I'll drop you, spend all of it on yourself you want and surprise me at party tonight. I want my wife to look like goddess among all" he said while he placed his fork in his plate.

It was unbelievable for her how he was describing her but it felt good. She hummed in response.

They completed their breakfast and he dropped her to salon at 11:00. Then he went to attend his important meeting.

At first Ayleen didn't knew what to spend and on what to spend. Gladly there was some professional helper too to guide her what she really needed.

After 3 hours of relaxation, having her manicure, pedicure, giving her hair some layers, facial, and some body massage she was all ready to leave.

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