chapter 59

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It was raining heavily making the sky look more dark than usual evenings. Her shift was over and she wanted to leave the hospital but her van got late. She called the driver multiple times but she faced a big problem of signals. 

Dr. Sannan was at his night shift so he couldn't drop her to home either. After trying again and again, she finally received a voice message from driver that he has got stuck in heavy traffic and might take two hours minimum to reach the hospital. 

She had no other option so she decided to go on her own. It was already getting late. Dr. Sannan tried to stop her as he did not considered it safe for her to go alone in heavy rain and even that in night. 

But she didn't stopped as there was no other choice left. She wanted to get home and make Yousef warm as he was feeling cold. She took the umbrella from  Dr. Sannan and started walking on the barren road which led out of the village. It was difficult for her to walk on the rocky pathway while carrying her child and holding a umbrella with the other hand, her bag dangling on her shoulder. 

As she felt difficult to breath under veil, she took it off. Her baby cheered watching her mother's face and she smiled to him. He was the greatest motivation for her to go through every hurdle. 

She took heavy steps and finally reached the bus stand. She looked here and there but didn't even found a cab or any other vehicle. It was lonely road on which not many people used to travel. 

It was so cold and her white coat from above didn't helped much. She regretted that she didn't brought her black coat, although it was old now but still it was warm. 

Yousef was not sleeping quietly in his baby blanket. After waiting for twenty minutes she finally decided to walk herself on the road, if she'll see any vehicle on her way then she'll stop it. 

The white smoke blew from her mouth as she gasped, breathing heavily while walking. Thank god she was wearing comfortable shoes, she thought. As she walked alone on the road, no passing car stopped to help her. And she didn't even see a cab or bus. She didn't knew how she'll reach but she kept walking. It was a long way. 

As she continuously walked for half an hour, she slowed down. Suddenly a man on bike passed her with full speed, splashing the water on her coat. 

But she couldn't react at all after she saw the gun in his hand. He passed her with a flick but scared her along. He was all dressed in black. 

And that was when she heard loud gunshots all of sudden. A man was running after him firing the gunshots in his direction but then he stopped as the biker flew away and disappeared from his sight. 

She froze in her place as she witnessed the scene. The man went back to the black car, which was also parked in some distance. The headlights were on and she could see everything clearly. 

She tried to walk pass them quickly. 

Umer and his both men were on their way from their late meeting when it started to rain heavily. And due to that they got stuck in traffic. To take a short cut, his driver changed the route. The road was desolate and quiet. None of them recognized the new track as they kept going. 

When they reached the middle of the road, his driver realized that a man on bike was continuously following them since they stepped inside the car. 

As he informed the men, the biker increased his speed and got beside their car while pointing his pistol towards the car. 

Umer was sitting at the window seat when he saw the pointed gun towards him. 

Before they could take out their own guns, he shooted first at Umer. Umer in time leaned down and the shot hit his driver's head. The car due to full speed lost the control and they hit the large tree at the side of the road. The biker didn't stopped and shooted endless shots at them. One shot hit his right hand man's chest and one hit Umer in his left arm. 

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