chapter 61

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"I want to know who else was involved in planning. I need all names in 24 hours on my table. And keep a sharp eye on all of our projects. Maintain high security around the house and get the car ready, I will visit my right hand" Umer instructed his left hand to make sure all the needed arrangements. 

"Sir I don't think it will be reliable for you to visit in hospital. As the bullet was taken out on time. He is really better now. As it is dangerous we will soon shift him to the house" his left hand suggested, analyzing the situation. 

"Okay then inform me when he'll be shifted and get the other things done right away" he said and stood from his chair. 

"Sure sir and.... Your wound is bleeding" he hesitated to tell him. 

"Please get a bandage, should I send in a nurse?" He said with concern. 

"No it's fine we already have a doctor in house now, just ask the maid to get the first aid kit in my room. I'll get it done" he said and left his study room to meet his personal doctor. 

He opened the door and entered. She was lying on the bed with Yousef beside her. Her eyes were closed. He quietly stepped toward his cupboard and took out his clothes, trying not to make any noise in order not to wake her. 

Then he went inside the bathroom to take a bath. As he turned on the shower and water hit his wound, it caused alot of pain. 

While he was taking bath the maid knocked on the door. She knocked three times which made Ayleen got up from her sleep and open the door. 

She handed her the first aid kit. 

"But I didn't asked for it" she said as she tried to remember if she asked for it. 

"Mr Umer ordered me to bring it" she replied and then Ayleen realized the sound of running shower which meant he was already inside the room. 

She thanked her and closed the door, placing the aid kit on the table. 

She sat on the bed and nervously fumbled with her fingers, trying to get out of the situation. She didn't know how she will convince him to let her go. 

But as per her observation he looked quite different now. His face changed, looked quite stern now but still those features had her hooked to him in awe for a moment. He looked more scary, introvert and although he was never talkative but seemed like he liked silence more now. 

As she was jumbling up her views and thoughts about him, he appeared from the bathroom. Only a towel tied around his waist, the blood peeping out from his wound, he looked quite hot. 

She gulped hardly as she found herself all heated up. She averted her eyes not in order to look at him. He smirked at her reaction, ' still shy' he thought. 

"Your wound is bleeding, you should go to hospital" she said without looking at him. 

"Why should I go when I already have a doctor at home?" He replied plainly. 

"But still..." She was cut off in between. 

"I don't think you care about me then from where this all concern is coming?" He clapped back trying to make her nervous. 

"Stop acting like a savage. I was just concerned because due to over bleeding, you might die. And who would want that? Just get it done, it's already hours now" she stood up and kept going on in one go. 

"So you don't want me to die?" He asked again. 

"Why would I want you to die? I'm not cold hearted like you. And why that man shot you?" She questioned back as she was looking at his face now. 

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