chapter 4

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One week passed in peace and she didn't get to see Umer. He never came to the hospital after that. And she was glad that the load was unloaded without anyone's help. She spend her days in full happiness and started to enjoy her life again. Although she was worried that her parents are now really looking for her match and she'll have to marry someone sooner or later.
Her day was off at 6 in the evening, due to some extra work, Dr Samantha gave her extra time she spent with her friends. But she was glad after all, it was some quality time she had with them after so long and their memories of childhood reminded her.

She was holding her car keys in one hand and her bag on her shoulder. She entered the parking lot and reached her car. As she opened the car door and sat in, from nowhere her opposite door seat door was also opened by someone and in a matter of seconds he got in and sat beside her. To her shock, she wanted to scream, and get out of the car but he leaned in and shut her mouth with his hand. She resisted and tried to lose his grip but it was no use against his well-built muscles. The light was dim in the parking lot, and his face was not clear. But as he leaned into her face, holding her hands tight and shutting her mouth with his hand, she recognized him.
It was no one other than Umer!
Her eyes almost popped out after seeing his sight.

"Don't scream or even try to make an unnecessary movement, I'm just here to talk to you. So you better listen to me in peace and get your way" he told her through gritted teeth.

When he realized that her body tensed and she is showing a positive response, not resisting anymore, he let her go but with a swift, he locked the car doors and took out the car keys.

"What are you doing?" She shouted.

"I told you not to scream or what I will do to you, no one will ever find and you will regret it. So listen to me in peace and I'll let you go" he said with a stern expression.

"Say what you want to, and leave from here as soon as possible" she replied in the same tone.
Although she was afraid of him, that he might do some bad things to her still she didn't want to lose to him.

"I appreciate your guts although I don't like it. So what I want to tell you is that I'm sending my parents over to your house for a marriage proposal and I hope you will not create a mess. Because if you do I'll have to kidnap you and fulfil my needs in some illegal manner, which I know you won't like" he said with a smirk and witnessed when the blood flushed from her face at the mention of marriage.

"Are you sick? Or do you have some serious disorder?" She shot back in disbelief. While he started to smile at her reaction.

"How can you marry me? I don't even know you, and above all, you're not my match and I don't even like you. Please leave me alone, I'm sick of you" she continued while her voice changed into pleading at the last words.

"Look I've told you if you'll not agree, I'll do it my way. And in my opinion, it will be better because this way I will not get bound to you for the rest of my life, and you also don't seem to be the type I want to spend my life with" he replied while giving her weird smile.

"Look please leave me, I beg you. What have I done wrong?" She asked while tears formed in her eyes.

"It's just my lust that I want to satisfy with you either this way or that way," he said with a smirk.

His words seem to burn her and she was so enraged that without thinking she slapped him. She didn't assume the consequences and she didn't want to, because the way he insulted her, was too much to take.

Then she tried to snatch the car keys, but she didn't even get close to getting them.
He leaned into her face, his eyes all red, like dripping blood from them. Her breath got stuck in her throat and she forgot to breathe at the sudden closure, her face went white. And his face which was offering dead looks almost told her that he will kill her at any moment, little beads of sweat forming on her forehead.
On the other side Umer was so enraged and barely had control over his temper after her slap, but when her smell filled his nostrils and her bare neck caught his sight, he became hard.
'fuck! That's what I hate about you!' he cursed her in his brain.

"My parents will come this weekend, be ready, we will marry this month. And if you tried to pull a stunt, you will be the one to create and face consequences"  he said through gritted teeth, it seemed like he was trying his best to control himself. But his words seemed promising which made her realize that he was speaking the truth.

He unlocked the car doors and after throwing the car keys in her lap he went out without leaving a trace except his cologne roaming in the car atmosphere and filling her nostrils, reminding her that he came near her, so near that she was scared that their skin might make a contact.

She put her hand on her forehead to check her temperature, she could feel that she was feeling cold, her feet and hands were frozen from the horror. And she was having cold sweats. She rubbed her forehead and wiped the sweat before she locked the car and drift at the full speed home.

Her family felt a few weird vibes from her when she silently went to her room without even saying a word. Her sister brought her food to her room which she denied eating and excused herself that she already ate with friends and has no appetite.
They thought that maybe she just had a bad day and needs rest.
But in the morning she was burning with a fever and that made her parents worried. She took a leave from the hospital and rested at home all day. They thought that it might be a weather sickness as she has to overwork sometimes and return home in the evening weights cold.

But only she knew what was going on in her mind. And she was scared to death. She knew that if she tried to tell her parents and get away from the marriage, he will certainly do something that she will regret afterwards and that's why she needs to think sensibly. But on the other hand, she didn't want to marry him and she knew that weekend was near. Only two days more to go and then she will be standing in front of them.

Two days passed for her like she was waiting for her death. She didn't talk to anyone, avoided every unnecessary conversation and kept quiet all the time. It made her parents a little worried about her but they thought that it could be some issue at the hospital and she will return to her normal behaviour again. But she lost her appetite and ate anything barely, she was getting thin from the tension but still didn't find any solution. She even avoided Yahya's texts and didn't reply to him. Because she knew that he can also do nothing for her, and it was part of the problem. Because if he had talked to his parents, she would have rejected him in the first place making this excuse. But now there was no way.

The day arrived and it was Sunday. She decides that she will deny his parents and tell them that she can't marry him because he is forcing handle was already liked someone else. But it turned out to be different than she expected and to her amazement, he arrived along with his parents. Adding more to her shock, her father already met him before. And her family welcomed them like they already knew that they would come. Her blood was not just boiling but she felt betrayed, hurt, broken, dejected, everything but mostly disappointed with her family. She already knew that her parents wanted to marry her but already found a match without her knowledge was not just shocking but unbelievable for her.

Her mother asked her immediately to dress elegantly and greet them.
Despite going through the most difficult phase, she obeyed her mother because now was not the time to talk to her parents. It would only create drama for them to watch.
She took 10 minutes to get ready and on her mother's order, she did light makeup.

With a broken heart, but still pounding loudly, she entered the room, only to catch everyone's attention. It felt like everyone was only waiting for her, and everyone's gaze was scanning her from head to toe. She felt like a showpiece in the middle of the museum, but after all, she had to bear it. She didn't lift her eyes until she sat on the couch with her parents on either side opposite them. It was not like she was playing the role of an eastern girl, she did not dare to look him in the eye and tell him that yeah she lost to him.......

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