chapter 18

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She couldn't even act that she was sleeping, he already saw her glaring at him, shocked.
She stood up from the bed and tried to go to bathroom, to escape him for the moment. Because his expressions were making her more nervous than before.

As she got up, he walked towards her. She tried to run but in two long strides he caught her and clutched her arm tightly.

"Where are you going darling?" He asked her dangerously close.

"I'mm justtt going to washroom" she replied looking away.

"Oh really but I guess you don't really need to" he looked into her scared face.

He let her arm go with a jolt. Then he took a step back.

"You know what today you're here, in my house, in my room, standing in front of me, helpless. The day I saw you in hospital, if it was for my lust then you wouldn't had been here. You are here because of yourself."
He said.

"That day when you placed your hand on my chest.." he placed his hand on his chest, pointing.

"You made my heart flutter, you awaked a beast inside me, I only had lust for you then. I wanted to touch you, touch every part of your body and make it mine but it was just lust. To fulfill my lust I could have raped you, why did I had to marry you?" He continued. 

"Because you made me do it. You forced me to encage you for your whole life and take Revenge on you. You made me do it! You forced me to fuck you all of your life as I please!" He shouted while she took a step back like a scared kitten.
She couldn't understand his any word. It all went above her head. She couldn't realize what he was talking about until..

"Bitch you slapped me! You remember, that day I came to you in your car and you slapped me! How dare you?"

He took fast steps towards her, and in the next second he slapped her face so hard her jaw moved and she fell to the floor.

"You see that's why you're here"

He fisted her hair and made her stand up again. While she hissed in pain, her face was burning red. His imprinted hand on her face clearly proofed the assault.
He slapped her again so hard on the same cheek that her lip started to bleed and she fell on to the floor again. This time he slapped her with more intensity that even his hand burned after the contact.

"You see it's a payback. That's why I bought you here!" He smirked.

She tried to pull herself from the floor and sat up. Her hair which were tied in a bun, were now all scattered over her face. Her face was red from the imprints, her lip had a blood clot formed on the surface. Her heart and mind screaming inside. She didn't wanted to shed a tear in front of him but eyes kept releasing the tears due to the severe pain.

"Stand up again!" He shouted to her.

She didn't moved.

"I said stand up bitch or I swear I will kill you tonight slowly and painfully" he said while brutality dripping from his tone.

With fear she tried to stand up again. Her face hung low, she didn't lifted her face. Her black hair, covered her face.

"Now look me in the eye with the same confidence which you always wore" he told her.

But still she didn't lifted her face, she was so scared that her heart was beating wildly in her chest.
He pinched her chin hard. She screamed in pain and lifted her face to look at him.


That's what he found in her eyes.

"You hate me right?" He asked with a smirk.

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