chapter 67

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In morning, after breakfast with her he straight went to his office but not before sharing a good kiss with her. She really didn't know what she was stepping into but it felt surreal. The person who was breaking her now became her healer. She didn't wanted to acknowledge any reasons or consequences, but she was being loved. In million years, someone was telling her that he loves her and wanted to cherish her. She wanted to have it, because she deserved it. 

And most of all, her baby and his father that's what she wanted as a complete family. But still a underlying thought of freedom provoked her like a needle. But she let the days pass in peace. 

Umer didn't know how things were changing between them so quickly. He still couldn't muster up the courage to apologize to her, but he desperately wanted to. To start a new life with her, a new beginning because last night gave him hope. His child was in front of his eyes, his wife whom he loved dearly and their was nothing more to yearn for. 

It was a cold, freezy night. He came home early from his office and joined her dinner. Yousef was getting older now, so he had his separate room prepared and it was in final stages of furnishing. Everything from top to bottom had been Ayleen's choice for her son and he didn't mind it at all. He was happy that they were finally getting along. 

After completing dinner he went to his study room for his work. While Ayleen took Yousef upstairs for sleep. She knew that he will take long for his work so she tried to close her eyes too after making Yousef sleep. But some underlying worry didn't let her rest. She didn't know what it was but something wasn't right as she felt. 

In worry she went downstairs to see Umer in his study room. She took slow steps the dark house as little sounds even echoed. The door was slightly open so she took a peek. Umer was sitting on his couch as usual, but there was a picture in his hand. As she looked at him, she realized that he was crying. Fat tears rolling down his cheek as he caressed the frame with his fingers. She didn't know who was in the picture for whom he was crying so much. But it felt like it was someone very dear to him. She didn't wanted to intrude or interrupt his personal space but she couldn't see him in pain anymore. She opened the door and entered. 

As he saw her, he wiped his tears with the back of his hand, placing the frame on table but opposite side. 

"Why are you here at late night? You should sleep Ayleen" he tried to changed the subject she was interested in. 

She sat beside him and took his hand in hers. She didn't wanted to give him a sympathy or pity look because she knew he hated it and was a self conscious man. It might hurt his self respect and she didn't wanted to do that. 

They exchanged each other's warmness with their skin making contact.  With other hand she diverted his face towards herself, which he was trying to avert in order to hide his emotions. She looked at him in the eye as he made an eye contact with her. 

Lightly she wiped the tear beneath his eye with her finger. And then she placed her head on his chest, hugging him. 

"I asked you to share your pain with me. Don't suffer alone. Sharing it reduces the affect it has" she whispered against his chest. 

He was rather surprised at her words because he didn't realized when she made a soft spot for him in her heart. He hugged her back, crying. 

She pulled back realizing his tears on her shoulder. 

"Tell me Umer what is it?" She asked again. 

Without another word, he hugged her again placing his head against her chest. She let him feel the warmth of her chest as she ran fingers in his hair, trying to relax him. 

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