chapter 27

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He dragged her up the stairs, while she tried to escape from his harsh grip. He was hurting her. She tried her best to remove his hand from her wrist but his steel like grip didn't move a bit. The pain was too much, it felt like he will break her hand away.

He entered the room and threw her on bed like a rag doll.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She shouted at him, as tears welled up in her eyes again.

Without listening to her, he move towards her in two long strides and grabbed her from her shoulders.

"Where did that bastard touched you?" He asked through gritted but dead serious tone.

She remained silent while she tried to look for any emotions or expressions on his face.
He looked expressionless, his eyes were hollow.
She became afraid of him. He was horrifying her.

In a swift he teared the hem of her saree from her left shoulder only to see her bare chest better.
The mark of teeth, as fresh as flesh shown clearly to his sight, on her upper chest, just above her breasts.
His eyes became red, she felt like dripping blood from them as he gritted his teeth in his mouth and stared at her chest.

He took out his phone from his pocket as he left her shoulder. His one hand worked on opening the upper buttons of his shirt. While he took of the Blazer and threw it on the nearest couch.
She gazed his movements blankly.

He dialled a number on his phone and the room was dipped in dead silence, as the vibration of bell ringing on the other side could be heard.
At the second ring the call was received.

"Room 404, track down the man. Take him to the basement and I want his all 32 teeth on my desk tomorrow morning. No delay" he made his statement and cutt of the call immediately.

She stared at him in horror as she couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Are you sick? What are you doing? Will you kill that man?" She asked in utmost shock as she pulled his arm from back.
He turned to face her.
He remained silent and watched her intentionally.
His expressions told her that he was dead serious about it. There was no amuse to be seen. The situation was more complicated than she thought.
His eyes said all.

"No you can't do that! It was just abuse, report him to the police. They will punish him, you have no right to do that!" She presented a solution.

"I fucking told you Everytime that I don't like when people invade my privacy!" He pushed her to the bed and hovered over her, shouting in her face. If gaze could kill, she might have been dead yet.
The seriousness and his bloody eyes were all to get scare of him. His tightened jaw and calculative expressions were giving her shivers and she could feel the jolts of electricity ran down her spine.

She wriggled beneath him as she was so afraid that her face went white. She shouldn't had provoked him, now she was in trouble.
But she also can't remain silent, he is going to take a human life just because of abuse. And if she didn't stop him, she will blame herself for rest of her life and will never be able to forgive herself.
Indeed she was the reason he was murdering him.

"Please don't do that! Don't murder him. I beg you. I know what he did was disgusting and it shattered my soul but still he's a human and he don't deserve to die" she pleaded with teary eyes.

"On second thought I will just pluck out his teeth and then I'll let him go home. How's that?" He asked in amusement but stern face.

"No just let him go please. Don't do it" she protested more.

He punched the bed hard beside her that she felt the intensity of air when it passed her by just a difference of inch. Terror took over her.

"Why you fucking think Ayeleen that I will let that bastard go despite the fact that he touched you? I will pull out his all teeth and will let him suffer for all his life. Death will too easy for him. And now I think that I should also mark you as mine. You are my fucking wife!" He said through tightened jaw but the weight of his words was heavier than her breaths.
Her breathing was stuck in her throat as she tried hard to gulp down her saliva.
But the intensity of his rage sight was too much for her to take as she couldn't even risk a movement now.
For a moment, a titillating feeling crossed her mind as she thought that if she matters to him?
But then another thought slide it away that she is just his another thing and he is just being possessive and god knows why because he even himself tried to force himself on her before marriage.

And to her knowledge she hate every men around her now, every presence was disgusting for her.
She was afraid that she was becoming a misandrist.

His last words sparked fires inside her as her flight mode was kicking in. She was not yet ready to lose herself to him.

"It can't happen too soon" she said in low voice, almost whispering to herself.

"But I want it Tonight! And you cannot stop m" he deadpanned.

"I'm sorry but I need more time. I'm not comfortable yet. Please try to understand me. You cannot rape your own wife." She tried to escape the reality of his words.

"I can do every fucking thing I want! And it's not called rape, it's called rights over your wife" he justified.

"Look Umer please don't do this to me. I'm not ready yet. I'm already broken inside due to today's incident. What he did to me, mutilate my soul. You also want to force yourself on me?" She asked with pleading eyes as she tried her best to convince him.

But as soon as his name left her lips for the first time, his urge became severe. He couldn't process the moment as she called his name for the first time. His needs clarified that it's going to be Tonight.

He took her lips into a controversial kiss instantly. She resisted with her full force but couldn't even budge him. He moved his hand forward and it trailed on her neck, moving to the shoulder and sliding down the blouse. A gasp left her mouth as the strap of bra was also slid down along with it giving her sensation.
He took the advantage and enter her mouth, coaxing on her tongue. He touched every corner of her wet mouth, tasting the sweetness. She couldn't risk resisting him now, or he will bit on her lips like before which always cause her immense pain. But slowly pleasure was taking control over her mind as his movements were gentle and soft. It cost her no pain. He took full advantage and turned it passionate, making her tongue move along his strokes. They intermingled with each other as one.

"Don't deny me tonight. I need you right now. When I saw that jerk hurting you, touching you at places which only meant to be touch by me" his hands moved to her right breast and he knead them through the cloth. An uncontrollable gasp left her mouth.

"My blood boiled Ayeleen. This body of yours belongs to me. It's a part of me. And I want to be inside you. I want to take you willingly. You will not deny Tonight. Let it be today. I can't wait anymore" he whispered in her ear as soon as he broke the kiss. His voice was so addictive and dominating at the same time that she couldn't understood that if he was asking her or telling her.
She felt the budge of his manhood on her belly, and it gave her goosebumps all over as a foreign feeling ran fastly in her bloodstream. But she got to knew that how much aroused he was. And she was surprised that if really her body had the effect on him or it was just normal for him?

He took her earlobe in his mouth, kissing it wetly, nibbling on it with his teeth, and teasing the cartilage. It gave her tingling sensation all over as she closed her eyes from the pleasure.

Maybe she should give in, after all he's her husband. He has the rights over her body and with respect to her morals, wives shouldn't deny their husbands, she thought. Her mother once dropped this piece of advice in her ear, that a good wife always knows the needs of her husband. But here was she really playing the role of a good wife?

He trailed down on her neck, all the way placing wet kisses on her skin. Licking every inch in his way. Her soft neck was to devour all night. He couldn't get enough, nuzzling into the crook of her neck was so soothing.
His hands slid behind her back, unzipping the blouse of her saree. While he bit lightly on her bare shoulder, giving her hickey.

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