chapter 66

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She blushed hard at his words. It was a long time since someone told her that she looked beautiful. 

"Don't do this" he said trying to maintain his control over his desires but her shy, red face was provoking him badly. 

"What did I do now?" She asked again. 

"Your red cheeks are irritating me" he replied still enclosing her in his arms. 

"I'm not blushing" she tried to get away from as she tapped her cheeks. 

"You are" he said again as he didn't let her go. 

He took her to the nearest kitchen counter and pushed her against it, caging her from all sides. 

"He is alone upstairs" she said, reminding him that they should go up. 

Without replying her, he pulled her up in his arms. 

"What are you doing Umer? Put me down!" She panicked badly. 

He just smiled to her in response. 

He took slow steps towards the door and carried her upstairs to their room. 

"I said put me down Umer! I'll fall" she kept saying it. 

"If you will keep saying it, he will get up from your noise and then he might not sleep all night and you will have to stay awake in order to look after him" he suggested as he tried to shush her ongoing saying. 

She did not spoke after that. He took her inside the room and made her lay on the bed. The dim light of night bulb show him more prominent now. 

He stood beside her as she looked at him with awe. He was still wearing his suit shirt, folded up to his elbows, exposing his veiny arms. His upper two buttons were open as he looked extremely seductive ad intriguing. 

"You should sleep now" he said and tried to go away but she grabbed his arm. 

"Sit here with me" she said making his eyes go wide with astonishment. 

He silently sat on the beside her, as he looked at her face for any expressions. 

"I'm sorry" she said deeply, realizing it was her fault. 

"For what?" He asked not able to catch the point. 

"For forcing you. You didn't wanted to tell me about your feelings but I forced you and you looked like you were embarrassed to admit it. And that's why you ignored me all day and even now you didn't come home because of me" she stated making him sigh. 

Girls are really heavy over thinkers, he thought and smiled. 

"You don't have to be sorry about that. It's good that you made me admit it but it was just I didn't wanted to tell you. Yes I was avoiding you because I felt embarrassed. I know you were not pleased to hear it. And I wanted to give you as much space I can" he explained, placing his muscular hand on her soft ones. 

"I don't need space for anything. It was not like that I was not pleased but it sounded unexpected, weird. I didn't see it coming or maybe I did. But it was something unforeseen for me. That's why I just couldn't get over with it. And above all it was shocking for me" she said as she found his blue irises greatly attractive. 

"I can understand. I can't even apologize for what I did all this time because I don't deserve your forgiveness. But I really love you. I'm sorry" he whispered the last words. 

She remained silent at his words. 

Realizing her silence, he took it as her disapproval. He tried to get away from her when she suddenly tugged his shirt from behind, making him sit back again. 

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