chapter 60

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The rain stopped and the dark clouds disappeared, letting the moon shine in full glow. The white light which escaped and fall on her bare face, only for him to see her scared and shocked state. That cherry blossom smell again hovering over his senses making him believe it was really his Ayleen. 

The baby woke up and started crying for her mother. His assistant tried to cheer him but he kept saying, "mama" as he desperately wanted her warmth. 

Umer looked at her and didn't utter a word as she herself found the surroundings being tensed around her being. 

His assistant was confused that why they were staring at each other like that? 

No words were exchanged between them, his eyes cooled down, the pain eased in his heart, it felt like someone just pour the cold water on the burning fire. He felt so relieved after 12 months. 

But she only heard her baby's cries and her difficult situation. 

She got up, and took a step back from him. He only watched her with pleased eyes. 

"I need to go now" she said and tried to take the baby from his assistant's hands. 

While he stepped back and took out his gun. 

"Treat him first or I'll shoot" he warned. 

"Just let me go I beg you, my child is crying. Let me take him please" she begged and took a step forward. 

"First treat him or you won't get the baby back" he again warned her in the same serious tone. 

Leaving no choice, she leaned down again at his level with teary eyes. Umer simply looked at her, he just wanted to let it happen what was already happening. She grabbed the bottle of beer which was almost empty. She teared his shirt with trembling hands and opened his wound. 

All the while his eyes followed her movements. He could hear his son's cries while his wife was right in front of his eyes, taking care of him out of fear. Nothing made sense, he couldn't believe he met her after a year and even like this. So easily. 

He searched the whole city for her, looked at each place she went to but failed. And now destiny brought her so easily in front of him but his heart didn't allow him to even lay a finger on her anymore. 

She washed the used knife with beer and then cleaned his wound. Due to her trembling state it was becoming difficult for her to focus. The cold night also made her shiver like leaf. But she was worried about her baby, the little cries made her heart cry too. She wanted to unite with her baby as soon as possible. But the devil sitting himself in front of her made her so weak all of again. 

Her mind was playing a game of uncertainties that if he will accept his child or still kill him? No he can't kill him, she comforted herself. 

As she was about to insert the knife in his flesh, she lost control and started crying uncontrollably with hiccups. 

"Please don't kill my child! I will do everything you say but don't kill him, I beg you. He is just two months old" she pleaded in front of Umer as he watched her with plain eyes, trying to hide the racing heart from her. 

"I won't" he replied short and held her hand pulling it close to his wound, motioning her to continue her surgery. 

She stopped crying as the words were enough to assure her. 

She dried her wet eyes so she could see clearly. Then using the knife she took out the bullet with shivering, cold hands. Then she pressed the soaked cloth on his wound to stop the bleeding. After tying it tightly around his wound, she got up in hurry to take her baby. 

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