chapter 55

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He didn't even knew himself that how much he missed her. He wanted her close to him, able to feel her body against him. Take her into such a tight hug that their scents could intermingle with each other, introducing a new smell. She was hypnotizing to his senses. 
He wanted to feel her lips against his, he wanted to feel her skin under his rough hands. She was all his then how can she run away?

He was becoming crazy, his madness was making him hollow inside. The way he treated her felt like now she she was treating him in the same way.

When you want something desperately and really bad, not wanting to know the consequences or conditions and only that thing runs far away from your reach, makes you feel like a empty loser.

That's what he felt. He had everything not just Ayleen. And he only wanted Ayleen. Luxuries around him didn't provide him the peace he needed.

To quench his thirst and slow down the pain of his heart, he went down to his posh wet bar where all kind liquors were present to entertain him.

Everyone was asleep by then which brought a sense of peace to his mind. He took out a bottle of old wine and sat on one if the stools.

Grabbing a antique designed transparent glass, he took out the small content of bottle into the glass. He took a sip and it burned down his throat, making him feel pleasure.

Glass after another, he was drinking continuously. He didn't realized the presence and continuous gaze of his secretary.

As he felt her eyes, he motioned her to join him if she wants.

"You can drink if you want"

She was dressed in her night gown. She took calculated steps towards him and then sat beside him, on one of the stools.

He offered her a glass and she hesitated.

"Don't be formal, working hours are over now" he replied, half drunk by now.

"Thankyou" she took the glass delightedly.

"Then can I ask you some informal questions too?" She asked with a smile.

"Sure" he replied.

"Why did you acted differently before after I mentioned her appearance?" She asked cautiously.

"Because I walked past her and was not able to recognize her" he replied simply.

"For how long are you going to find her?" She asked again while stirling the liquid.

"Until she's alive" he replied while taking a large gulp.

"Do you love her so much?" She asked, a hint of sympathy and seductiveness in her voice as she placed her hand on the top of his large hand. 

He didn't replied and remained silent.

"She was not that special, she never listened to you. Why don't you try other woman who willingly want to worship your every move?" She whispered to him while she leaned in more. Her cleavage visible to his eyes.

He still remained silent.

"Just look at yourself. She has ruined you. Don't let her win and enjoy your life. You deserve pleasure and now it's becoming your need." She placed the glass on the island while her left hand ran up to his hair, massaging it lightly.

He closed his eyes.

"Let me give you" she whispered, lust dripping from her voice.

She leaned forward and then placed her lips against his. Gently kissing him.

He didn't move or either responded to her blunt move.

She further tried to unbutton his shirt when he pushed her away.

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