chapter 64

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"who told you?" He asked as he moved closer to her where she was standing. 

"Everyone knows in this house except me" she replied while folding her arms across her chest. 

"You don't need to know" he said casually. 

"Why don't I need to know? Even a maid is important to know such family news while I'm no one?" She said in annoyance. 

"You really accept yourself as my wife?" He stepped closer to her, making her nervous. 

"I don't but technically however you are my husband, I mean forced husband" she replied as she hesitated to collect her words. 

"Well then forced wife, I don't think you have interest in me or my family" he said again as he looked straight into her eyes. He was provoking her to no end. 

"Umer try to understand there are some morals which you don't follow but I do! Even if we have thousands of issues, I still need to know about your family. Your father died, it's not ordinary. He was no matter, my father in law after all" she explained everything in one go, trying to make him understand. 

He remained silent, as he looked at her annoyed face. His expressions became soft, and he was preparing himself to explain everything to her. But he couldn't make up his words. It was such a tragedy for him that it felt heavy to say, that his father actually died. It was still unbelievable for him. 

"I'm not yet ready to tell you." He said, his voice broke in between. As the sight of his dad appeared in front of his eyes, when he breathed his last air. 

All of sudden, he turned around not able to face her anymore. He didn't wanted to show her his broken side. He didn't wanted to tell her how much he was hurt from inside. He always had a strong impact on her, and now crying in front of her made him more weak. So he tried to avoid her. 

However she got a glitch that he was hiding something and he was really hurt because of that. She could see how he turned around to hide his tears. 

As he was about to step away from her, she held his arm. 

"Don't Ayleen" he warned her without looking at her. 

"Your wound is not healed yet. You need to bandage regularly. Now will you sit?" She changed the topic to make him feel relaxed. 

As no excuse he had, he simply sat on the bed while she grabbed the aid box from table. Then she came and sat beside him. 

"Take off your bathrobe" she instructed him. He looked at her with surprised eyes. She was never this bold, he thought. 

She raised her eyebrows in question. He realized that he was gawking at her. Then he untied his bathrobe and took it off, only wearing his boxers beneath. 

Her cheeks became red with the sight. As far she remembered, he had a muscular body but now his muscles looked more spectacular. It confirmed her suspicions that he must have worked out alot after her. 

It was awkward for her to touch her husband's biceps and wound his arm. However she tried to remain professional and did her job. While he felt tingles Everytime she touched his skin. The fire of desire burned ferociously between them. 

"You can take Yousef in your arms as you like. You can love him all you want. I don't mind at all. He is your son too" she said as she cleaned it first with alcohol. 

"Yousef?" He asked curiously. 

"It's your son's name, I named it." She replied. 

"Oh I see" 

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