chapter 36

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It was 3 am in the morning and she couldn't sleep due to her stomach's growling. She didn't had dinner and she was feeling extremely hungry. Umer was sleeping soundlessly beside her.
She got out of the bed, took a warm shower, dressed up and tip toed downstairs.
Umer was in deep sleep so he couldn't sense her movements.

She heated up the dinner and sat on the chair. Chewing the steak she was in deep thought. Her recent plan just failed. He denied her clearly, leaving her no choice. So she needed to think about something else now.
But she knew one thing that she will not use his money for anything.
She just needed her passport, and she will succeed in her plan.
But she was scared of one thing, that she was being physical with him and she couldn't say no to him. She needed to it for the sake of her freedom.

Her body was sore due to the recent intercourse. She couldn't deny the fact that she enjoyed it. She felt pleasure in everything he did to her. She was badly deceived by her body. But the way he touched her, manipulated her, she was not regretting it.

She was still indulge in that addicting and exotic feeling. She nervously filled her mouth with food almost choking on it as her little mind imagined the sight of his body.
He was clearly hot, and sexy but........ no use.
She all wanted this with the man of her dreams, Yahya.

She completed her food and rushed back to her room, as she was yawning continuously.
She laid on the bed opposite to him. She could feel his presence behind her, his breathing fanning in her bare neck.
Unfortunately she had to snuggle in the same rug as him. As she closed her eyes and tried to sleep, his hands wrapped around her waist, startling her. His warm legs intermingled with her legs and his hold on her became dominating. He snuggled into her neck, giving her goose pimples all over.
Her eyes flinched open but she couldn't make a move. After waiting for several minutes, she finally decided to sleep like this.


It was 8 am in morning and she was making breakfast.
She was so busy in her work that she didn't notice when he came downstairs and stood behind her, leaning on the kitchen counter.
He watched her intensely, noticing her each move.
Slowly he took steps towards her and made her jump as his arms snuggled around her waist. He captured her into his embrace, freezing her movements. He nuzzled into her lean neck, smelling her perfume.
He took in all her scent and then bit her earlobe, as she bit her lower lip in nervousness, tasting her own lip balm.

"You are not supposed to do that" he scolded her.

"What?" She asked, confused.

"Tasting your lips! I am the only one who will taste the strawberry flavour of your lip balm." He replied sternly, no hint of amusement.

"Cheesy" she couldn't help but comment on his statement.

"Whatever it is, but I should be the one. And one more thing, Tonight we will go somewhere for 1 week stay. Pack your clothes and mine too. We will leave tonight" he said while kissing her neck.

"But where?" She asked in curiosity.

"It will be a surprise trip." He replied, amazing her more.

She kept silent while he kissed her neck more. Nibbling on her beauty bone, his hands travelled towards south. Her mind was now in alarming situation as he cupped her sex making her jump more.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she gasped.

"Just doing my business babe" he replied seductively as his hot breath washed over her face.

His fingers pressed her clit through her clothes, applying pressure on it. And a jolt of pleasure ran through her veins.
Her eyes became wide at the sudden feeling.

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