chapter 9

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The door was opened by Amar. And he greeted her with a warm smile.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her as she stepped forward.

"I'm fine" she replied and went inside.
Following her, he noticed the bouquet in her hand but kept quite. In case he will make her uncomfortable at the sudden question, as she is already not feeling well. Her face was pale and he couldn't help noticing that only few depressing days affected her this much. He never saw Ayeleen in this state. She always had been a cheerful and lively girl, who liked to laugh alot. This was not his sister whom he always knew.
Ayeleen silently went inside her room, as her mother who was in kitchen preparing dinner for her ignored her presence. And thankfully she didn't had to face her father, who was already in lounge watching news. Her sisters were not in room and it was also a good thing for her.
Aysel was the second sister after Ayeleen. She was busy in kitchen with her mother, helping out in dishes. While Azra was completing her homework and Ayan was helping her out.
She locked the door and placed the bouquet on the bedside table. Then she took off her dupatta and threw it on the bed carelessly. Her hair were mess. She stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself.
She looked gloomy and melancholy was all over her face. She looked at her eyes and realized the dark circles beneath. Then she caressed her lips which had a small scar on lower lip.
The memory crossed her mind and the touch of his lips renewed on her lips.
She shook away the thoughts, as she didn't wanted to remember his presence. But couldn't help thinking about how her body reacts to him. How her sexual desires arose between her legs when he's close. How she start to feel hot and feel the wetness in her lower body.
'but I also felt the same when I first time met Yahya, although we didn't even got close' an old memory clouded her mind, when she first time met Yahya in library. And how her body responded that he is the man she needs and only he can fulfill her desires. From that time she always thought, that he's the only one because after that her body never acted the same way near any other male. And now it was Umer who can make her turned on at once.
But still she didn't wanted to marry Umer because she didn't found him compatible for her. He was abusive, and she didn't even know him. He was forcing himself on her and she didn't had any emotional feelings attached him. It was just attraction. While on the other side she always loved Yahya, she dreamed about him day and night. They always helped each other through thick and thin. They came a long way together and now suddenly how can she let another man enter her life?
It was not just difficult but impossible for her. But her situation and fate, neither was supporting her. And on top Yahya was still not ready. How many more years she will have to wait? There was no answer to this question.
And all she could do was pray and ask God to save her from this beast.

She took out her clothes from cupboard and went for a bath.
After taking a long shower, she came out and applied her skincare. While she heard a knock on the door.
She instantly got up and unlocked the door at once as her mother never liked locked doors and she always scolded her for that.
It was Aysel.
"Mama is calling you for dinner" she told her.

"I'm coming" she replied and took her dupatta and got out of the room.

The dinner was on the table, and everyone was sitting and already started eating.
'only I'm the extra puzzle here. They are complete family without me' a thought crossed her mind and she felt extremely hurt. Even her parents didn't asked about how she was feeling.
She silently sat on her chair and started eating.

After completing dinner everyone left the area. And she was left alone, while Aysel and Azra was clearing table. As she got up to go back to her room, her mother came to her.
She placed her phone on the table in front of her.

"Here is your phone. Your father said you will marry Umer this month and tell that boy about your marriage and Don't contact him again or your father will deal with you if Umer broke this marriage because of him. His parents are coming tomorrow to fix the marriage date, so take a leave" she said everything at once, and didn't wait for her reply and went away.

Ayeleen was not used to it, she silently picked up the phone and got back to her room. Her sisters also came in and lay on their bunk beds.
They turned off the lights and Ayeleen had to lay on her bed too.
She opened her phone and logged in to her account. There were several messages from Yahya. She opened them with trembling hands. She couldn't help processing the words of her mother, which still rang in her ears.
'Is she really going to say goodbye to him? They meant to be apart like this?'
There were several messages from Yahya telling her about how their business is saved now and his family has been saved from great loss.
And he is happy and he has a chance to talk to his parents about them.
Reading all those messages she didn't felt any guilt inside for leaving him. Because there was not a single message telling her that he loves her and care about her.

She replied 'now keep your business with you for your whole life. It was the only thing you ever needed. You never wanted me. Now don't contact me again because it's only business you care about' she knew that she was not being thoughtful and sensible. This reason was not enough to break the relationship of seven years. But after all she had no other reason to leave him.
The message was seen instantly, and he was typing. But she didn't had any more courage to reply to his further questions. She immediately blocked him and deactivated her account. Then she took out the sim card out of her phone and without giving a second thought she break it into two.

As she held the pieces of it in her hand, her heart was crying inside. She was feeling guilty. She was feeling terrible, miserable inside. How will she let go of the man she loved for seven years? It was not easy.
His memories, each spent day, their quality time together will now only remain as a painful memory in her head and her heart will cry each day.

Just for the sake of her parents she had to leave him. She was now indebted to him for doing injustice. She got scared and was not powerful enough to go against her parents. She cried silently with thick tears because her heart was aching. She was in terrible pain. How much she dreamed about marrying him. Every single day she spent, planning a life with him. And now everything was shattered in a second.

She knew she did wrong, she was cruel to him. But she had no other option. She was a eastern girl, who can even sacrifice her life for their parents dignity. She couldn't let down her father's reputation, even if she had to step on burning coal. And if her father has asked to marry Umer she had to do it.
But the only person who was responsible for all of her miseries was Umer. If he hadn't manipulated her parents they would have never asked her marry in such hurry all of a sudden.

All night she kept crying but the pain inside didn't eased. It was 3 am when she took out her sleeping pills and engulfed 2 at once.
After a moment the sleep took over and she dived into the dream. She didn't felt the pain anymore, she deep inside a beautiful dream which she wanted to be true.

She dreamed that she was hugging someone which she thought to be Yahya. And she is feeling so relaxed and comfortable in his embrace. But when she got away, and looked at his face it was Umer! And she found Yahya standing away at a distance. Calling her name continuously and begging her to not leave him. He is crying and telling her that he always loved her and please don't leave him like this. He cannot live without her. He is pleading.
She can hear the Continuous calling of her name. He is calling her name, he is trying to get her attention.

"Ayleen! Ayleen! Ayleen!" Someone is saying her name continuously and the  voice is getting louder, she is trying to reply him, answer him, speak to him but she cannot move. She cannot open her mouth, her voice is not coming from her throat.
And she see Umer smiling selfishly, victoriously and mocking her.
'i will ruin you my girl' he whispers in her ear.

And all of sudden she opens her eyes in a blink. And found her mother and her brother beside her. She touch her forehead and she is sweating.
They are calling her name.

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