chapter 54

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He took out his gun and pointed at all his men. Everyone one of them took a step back in fear. Betty looked at him with wide eyes. He was certainly out of control, taking their lives won't bring Ayleen back but he was too out of senses to think right at the time.

Due to their sudden arrival, Betty already got prepared his villa in advance in Islamabad for his stay. The workers of the house were at alarm at once due to his sudden visit. Not in a years once he paid any visit there.

The men were standing in the courtyard, there heads hung low while Betty felt pity for them. She knew that every one of them was doing there job sincerely and they were loyal to their boss. But he was in so much rage that he couldn't see it clearly.

"How did you guys let her escape in your presence?" He shouted in a loud voice, piercing their ears.

No one dared to utter a word. Everyone already prepared themselves for a dead body for the day.

"Sir I think she dodged us, maybe it's not their fault" Betty dared to come forward and speak.

"What do you mean?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"I think she knew it already before our arrival. Maybe she hid herself well so we couldn't see her face and they couldn't recognize her. And that's why she escaped and no one noticed. And I'm sure someone must have helped her from the hospital because she cannot escape all on her own" she explained presenting a logical explanation. 

"Then get it checked that how she was dressed or these men will die Tonight" he said and barged inside the house while the servants followed behind to prepare the dinner table for him.

He spent all his day searching for her at the hospital, in hope that he might will see her. But she didn't appeared and it shattered his hopes. 
He was so desperate to see her sight, a one glance could have brought peace to him.

He was spending his each day in state of anguish, whether he forced her to leave? Did he forced her to hide herself far away from him?

Am I such a bad person that she doesn't even want to see me? He asked himself several times.

Did she never felt anything for him? She was just living with him in fear?

So many questions and only she could answer. There was so much to say and too much to hear but the distance between them grew them apart and neither of them could ever exchange the words.

His insides were provoking him to no end. The guilt, the realization was hitting hard on his nerves.

He was blameworthy for everything that happened lately, but it was too hard for him to let aside his ego and accept all his mistakes.

How could he accept it? When all his life he never admitted his wrongdoings, no one stopped him. He was just told to become rich and when did he become merciless and stone hearted, he didn't realized.

He was the only child of his parents. And his parents always provided him every luxury of life since he was a child. He was raised and treated like a king in his own home. That's why even now his own parents were not allowed to force anything on him or even ask anything. They used to request him. 
He didn't realized that he was not taught the morals of life. He was not taught to respect and feel humble towards people.

And when such people take power in their hands, they destroy the world.

Now his every mistake was coming before his eyes. His ego was so high that he couldn't even accept his own feelings for a woman. He was so afraid to do that.

He always forced everything on people around him and no one ever objected. He always got everything he wanted. That's what he knew, to get everything either politely or forcefully.

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