chapter 20

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His hands grabbed her breasts through the thick cloth of her bra. While she kept wriggling beneath him, rejecting the pleasure which came her way. She could feel between her thighs getting wet, but still she wanted to escape him.
Her body was reacting to his every touch, begging for more. Her toes curled as he kissed the valley of her breasts.
She was all hot down there. He grabbed her from her hair as once again he fucked her mouth. He kept sucking her, until she was pale. While his hands satisfied there touch by groping her breasts harshly. He moved to the side of her face only to bite her earlobe.
Once again he kissed her beauty bone, just down the neck. He nuzzled into her neck, kissing her soft spot harshly. He left hickeys on all of her skin as slide the strap down. He hands sneaked behind her back, unclasping the garment. He took it off, leaving her all naked for his eyes to scan. Touching her bare bosoms, gave her shivers as she couldn't help it anymore. His hands graze the stiffened nipples between his fingers. As he groped them again with more intensity. The sensual moment between them caught them both hungry for each other.
Her body kept accepting each touch while her mind screamed in no. She tried to escape from beneath him one more time as he held her from waist between his both hands.
He couldn't help letting her go. Seeing her half naked already made him go hard. How good her breasts felt as they filled into his hand. The only thing which was on his mind was lust.
He kissed her bosom harshly while nibbling it.

She couldn't help but tears of helplessness formed in her eyes. He was dominant on her. She closed her eyes shut, as she tried to make her hands free.
He sucked her breasts, as she could feel the orgasm building inside. The feeling was very foreign yet her body craved for the pleasure.
Her mind kept rejecting his touch, it felt disgusting yet pleasure to her.
She was battling between her mind and body.
Somehow his touch always turned her on. But she didn't wanted to lose her virginity to him. She was not the one she wanted.
But she was the one he wanted to devour right now.

He kissed her waist, as his fingers lingered on hem of her trousers.
She knew it was the moment to escape him, collect all of her energy and run as far as possible from him. She couldn't let him access her most intimate part.
She can never accept him. She will always regret it if she did not make a move now.

"Please let me go!" She sobbed as the tears kept running.

He looked at her with a smile.

"You still hope I'll let you go?" He asked with a smirk.

"Please! Don't do this. I promise I'll do everything for you. But please don't do this. Let me go." She pleaded.

"But you said you're good at everything. Why should I let you go then?" He asked as he leaned close to her face.

"I'm on periods. I can't now! Please let me go!" She lied.

His expressions changed as he grabbed her breasts harshly one again. He groped them barbarously making her scream in pain.
Once again tears of pain made her eyes wet as her body became stiff and beared the brutality.
He moved upward as he bit her savagely, closed to her bosoms.
A scream left her mouth, as she lost all of her control.
The pain made her body go numb for a while and returned with more intensity.
He pulled off from her, and got up to leave the room.
Her hands still tied while she hissed and sobbed in pain. Slow cries filled the silent room.

He opened the door and got out, shutting it with a bang.
She lay there naked, crying. She tried to undo the tie, but it was tied so tightly that her little energy was in vain.

With great help, she covered herself with a rug and tried to sleep in it as her head felt dizzy.


He straight went into the lounge and turned on the TV, in full volume. He grabbed a bottle of beer from the cabinet, pouring himself a glass.

He dialed a number on his phone, and made a call to his secretary.

"Send a whore into my personal room, in the grand plaza hotel. I'm coming in ten minutes" he ordered and cut off the call immediately.

Grabbing the keys he rushed upstairs to take his coat.
He entered the room, to found her lying naked but wrapped in the covers.
She was sleeping as her tied hands were close to her chest.
He came near her and looked at her for a while.

He removed the hair from her face, revealing the last night's assaulted face. The bruises were still there, fresh from last night. He untied her hands and taking his phone and coat, he left the room immediately.

He knew she lied to her. But he let her go this time. He knew he wanted her badly to release himself but still he let her go. Now was not the time. He wanted to punish her badly for her lie by getting his way another night. But right now he already had his whores to fuck.

He spent the night fucking her in his personal hotel room. The girl was so tired and he was hurting her but she couldn't complain. He took out all his rage on her.
But still couldn't satisfied himself, but after all his balls didn't hurt anymore.


In morning she woke up early. She found her hands untied but red marks imprinted on her wrists. Last night's assault rewinded her memory as she collected her clothes from the floor. She wore them in hurry as she she went into the bathroom.

Umer send his secretary to home, to bring his documents and brief case from his study room into his office. Anna lead her the way.
She opened the room for her and stood there while Umer's secretary, Betty collected the stack of documents from the table.
She put them in brief case, made sure his laptop and left the room.
Anna was still worried, that Umer since last night haven't been into his study room. And his reaction will be too unexpected for Ayleen. She warned her several times but still she didn't listen to her.
She prayed under her breath as she locked the room again that everything would be fine, and he don't reacts the way she was expecting.

Ayleen got down the stairs, as Anna placed the breakfast on the table.

She looked at the leaving car from garage through the large glass windows.

"Who came?" She asked from Anna as she could remember it was not Umer's car.

"Umer's secretary, Betty came to take his documents and laptop" she replied as she put the plate in front of her.

"His secretary? But why Umer did not took it himself?" She asked in confusion.

"Because he was not at home. He was out all night, and from there he left for office" she replied casually like it was a common routine.

"What? Where did he go?" She asked in more shock.

"Sometimes Umer spent his nights in his personal hotel room, in Grand plaza hotel. He don't come home at all. It's a usual routine. You will get used to it" she replied as she handed her the fresh orange juice.

Her little mind couldn't process the meaning. And she took it simple as she told her. She ate her breakfast and thanked Anna again for it.

Then she spent her day in helping Anna in house chores. She liked talking to her. She was although middle aged but her stories made her forget all her sorrows.

After completing all the work, she went into her room and took out her laptop. She tried looking for jobs in Dubai so she can continue her carrier. Although she was uncertain if Umer will allow her or not but she had to do it. She wanted to run from his as soon as possible. And for it, first step was to get independent and have enough money.
She was tired of searching, but couldn't find any job eligible for her.
She stood up and stood in front of the mirror to analyze the bruises he gave her last night. The bite hurt the most. It was blue now. Even a slight movement gave her pain from it. She was so helpless, she felt so broken and useless.
She wanted to build up her confidence again and fight him. But he was too strong for her. She had no choice rather than to bear him. Bear his brutality, punishments, abuse. She couldn't figure out what her life wants or what the future holds for her. It was just two days with him and she could feel the worse coming her way......

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