chapter 63

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After burying his father's dead body inside his grave, he felt himself so lonely. Everyone left the graveyard except him, who kept watching his father's grave with teary eyes. 

Why? Why he was so weak? He never thought that it would hurt so much. When they were around him, he didn't realize their worth and when they left him all of sudden, his heart ached like never before. He never told his father that how much he loved him, never apologized for his mistakes, rude behavior. And now even before leaving, he told him something wise for his own good. He was never a good son, he thought. 

He didn't realized how many hours passed as he stood there. His legs gave up and it started raining. His assistant came forward holding a umbrella, who accompanied him to Karachi. 

"Sir I think we should go now" he said in a low voice cautiously. 

Umer didn't replied and simply turned around to leave, after whispering lightly, ' I love you dad'.  The flowers on his father's grave soaked in the rain water, adding their essence into the soil. 

When he saw his mother crying, while she sat on her bed. He realized that he himself needs to be strong to comfort her. She needed her son at the moment to reduce her pain. He moved forward to her and sat beside her.

"Please don't cry mom. Everyone gradually leaves. You need to be strong" he consoled her while he put her mother's head on his chest. 

"He loved you so much Umer. We both love you, always remember that. Your father was a great man, be like him. He never stopped you from anything and gradually you became someone we were afraid of. But I know, from inside you are our son whom we cherished all these years" she said as he wiped her mother's tears. 

"I'm so sorry, I am really sorry mom. I never realized your love. I became so busy in my life that I didn't cared about you and dad. But now I've realized how it feels to lose someone you love so much" he said as he himself couldn't help crying. 

She simply listened to him and replied, "don't be sorry, it's okay. Human make mistakes". 

"Mom you need to lie down now, you are exhausted from staying awake for two nights" he said as he helped her mother to lie down, and then covered her with rug. 

She was extremely tired, so he didn't wait long as she was driven into deep sleep. 

He left the room and got downstairs. He called his left hand in Islamabad. 

"How is everything here?" He asked. 

"Sir everything is under control" he replied. 

"Fine, keep watch until I return".

"Yes sir, I just wanted to say that...I am so sorry about your father. I heard that he passed away yesterday" he said cautiously trying to make up with his words. 

"Don't be sorry, we all need to leave one day. So don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it happen before it's too late" he repeated his father's words. 

"Got it sir" he replied and Umer cut the call. 

The next thing he knew was to make his mother eat something. In evening she got up from a terrible nightmare. Gladly he was beside her, so he comforted her. As she didn't ate anything since morning, he asked the maid to bring food in the room. 

As she kept denying, he somehow convinced her to take a bite and then gradually he fed her all by his own hands. 

"Mom I want you to come with me to Dubai, we'll live together. Please don't deny me" he said cautiously as he didn't wanted to upset her. 

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