chapter 41

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To his amazement it really took her 30 minutes to get ready. She was all done with her elegant hairstyle and light makeup which enhanced her features and really made her glow like a goddess. The perfect navy blue maxi dress she wore, which hugged her below her toes and the quarter sleeves showing her skin beneath and the unique embroidery and design on the chest told that she was different from all.
No doubt expensive dresses change your personality, she thought.

He changed into his usual branded suit but different colour. He looked handsome in everything he wore so he didn't had to make a effort. He looked at the watch, it was still one hour.

She sat on the bed and strapped her long heels, which she never prefer to wore. Because she always felt uncomfortable in them but no doubt they make you look beautiful and attractive. Heels give you confidence to stand among all people.

She was not wearing any jewelry except simple but decent ear tops.

He was standing in front of the mirror and styled his hair into a perfect bow. Time to time he caught glances of her through mirror, while she sat on bed unfazed.
He had something in mind, he walked towards her and sat beside her making her startled.
He looked at her face trying to know something.

"What?" She asked as she realized his disturbing expressions.

"Are you still in love with him?" He asked cautiously.

She looked at his face for a moment as herself was caught in a brief silence.

"I don't love anyone" she replied shortly and got up, maintaining distance from him and stood in front of the mirror. Taking the straightener she restyled her hair.

He got up behind her, following her where she stood, trying to hide her Expressions and putting on a hard mask.

He took her silky locks in between his fingers and tangled them around, feeling the texture.

Her movements froze as she looked at him through the mirror. 

"I like your hair." He complimented.

She knew it was not what he wanted to say. There was something else for which he needed time to come up with. So she remained silent and waited for him to go on.

"It's really satisfying to know that you don't have feelings for anyone now. Just like I always wanted, gradually you became one." He let the locks fall below her shoulder naturally as his hands slipped into his pocket in search of something but they didn't last long.
As the treasure already found it's grip. He took out the hands from his pocket and heartlessly ignored the change of expressions on her face which his words caused.

"Now you're mine, your heart, your brain, your body and this sexy skin of yours are all mine to use and touch." He continued while opening the little box and taking out a breathtaking and sparkling pendant hanging below a white gold chain.

He gently placed the gem on her skin, below her beauty bone. She hissed as the cold material touched her.

He gently caressed the skin around the gem, erupting goosebumps all over her body.
Selfishly ignoring the change of colours on her face he continued,

"You're my slave and I'm allowed to commit all the sins on your body Ayeleen. I'm your master, will you obey me?" He whispered seductively in her ear making her feel filthy and disgusted with her existence.

She closed her eyes and let the tears fall while his hands caressed her bare arm and finally landing on her chest.

"Answer me Ayeleen, will you obey me?" He asked again while his fingers hungrily grazed the skin on her chest just below her pendant.

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