chapter 53

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He got out of the car and his father took him into a warming hug. His mother kissed his forehead and welcomed him.

"Where is Ayleen? You did not brought her?" Her mother asked while looking behind him and then at his secretary.

"No she did not come with me" he replied.

"You should have brought her rather than your secretary, are you planning to do work here too?" Her mother said extremely annoyed to see her.

"Yes I will continue my work here
and she didn't wanted to come and now can you please let me go in" he said trying to dodge their attention.

Betty felt herself extremely out of the circle at her mother's statement. But after all she was here for work and for her boss. She followed behind him.

"Sure son come inside, we prepared so much delicious food for  you" his father said and they all went inside.

His mother placed everything on the table with the help of maid while they all sat in the living room, chit chatting. The conversation was very light and interesting as his father's great sense of humor made them laugh.

He finally was able to get happy after a long time. Betty enjoyed being there too no matter she was not welcomed there.

Soon his mother called them and they sat at dining table to ate the delicious and mouth watering dishes. 
Betty always enjoyed Pakistani traditional food whenever Umer used to brought her to Pakistan and now she was here after a long time. 
The aroma made her senses go in a override.

They all enjoyed there food while having a light conversation.

As it was late everyone went to their rooms after dinner. Betty slept in the guest room while Umer went into his own room.

His parents were extremely overjoyed to see their son after a long time.

Umer laid all alone in his old room, where he spent his childhood. The room was still same, nothing changed. But he was.

He couldn't help thinking about her and the words still echoed in his ears.

How can she risk her life for it? Why she is not afraid of death? Is the baby so important to her that she took the risk of running away from me and living all alone and now she also know that she can die while giving birth. How can she be so fearless?

He thought to himself.

Is he doing right? He wanted to kill his own baby and now he also know that after he will find he will not be able to control himself.

But he cannot kill her. Even if she come right before his eyes on her 
own, he will not able to kill her.

Because you love her. And you are a coward because you don't accept that.  His instincts said, right staring at him.

He remained silent and did not fought anymore.

Because he knew it was right. All these weeks he was fighting his inner voice but there was no use to it. Because he was being stubborn to accept that. Fact was fact, no matter he denies it million times.

He closed his eyes in exasperation, ignoring the continuous battle inside him. He was tired of fighting.

"I hope I meet you tomorrow" he said to himself as he carried himself to the deep valleys of sleep.

He had a early flight tomorrow, so he had to wake up before his parents or he knew they will never let him leave.


"Please help me escape from here. They have already surrounded the hospital and some men also came in. You need to help me escape from here. The rest I'll manage myself." She replied, being more scared with every passing second.

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