chapter 31

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She was half naked, and he was kissing her passionately on her chest now. Kneading her breasts, his hands roamed on all her body while she just not resisted but also screamed continuously.
He ignored her pleads. When she realized that her resisting is having no effect on him and she spent all of her energy uselessly, she stopped resisting. Her throat was dried now and she felt like thorns are stuck there. She was breathless by using all of her energy to push him away. He was working on the hem of her panties when he realized her silent sobs. She was crying silently with hiccups now and didn't made any movement. She let him access to all of her body. His lusty part of brain was telling him to take her like this, no need to feel sympathy for her when he already brought her here for this. But other half was feeling extremely guilty for doing it, he cannot rape his own wife.
He looked at her for straight two minutes, watched her intensely. She kept crying, thinking that no matter what he will not stop.

Suddenly he got up from her body in quick movement, and got off the bed. He spared the last glance at her tear soaked face, and untied her hands in a swift movement while her eyes which were closed, flinched open. She watched him intently through wet lashes. He threw the tie on the floor and got out of the room, shirtless.
She watched with utter amazement but couldn't find any expressions. His expressionless face gave her most weird thoughts.

She got up from the bed and straight went to the bathroom for a long warm shower.


She was his wife and still he couldn't do that to her. Why? His inner self was feeling so coward and guilty for putting her in a state like this.
Why he didn't just took her like that? Why did he stopped? Her eyes, why they held so much pain?
Did she miss her old ex? Or was it due to his actions, which hurt her.
Why she just don't gave up? After all he's her husband, no matter forcefully or willingly, he has rights on her body. Why she has to be so stubborn?
Where did his beast gone? Why he felt sorry towards her?

All the necessary questions kept piling up in his busy brain. He wanted to divert his attention by keeping himself busy in office work. But these questions kept provoking him.
He opened his wardrobe and took out a sleepwear, and went to bathroom for a quick cold shower. He needed to calm down his nerves, those hormones inside which were just about to burst at her and tried to be inside her forcefully.


Ayleen completed her shower and after wearing her clothes she came back into the room. She turned on all the lights, and the room fully lit up.  Then she cleaned the room, picked up the unnecessary clothes, and changed the bedsheets.
She laid on the comfy bed and tried to close her eyes.
But the starving stomach didn't let her. She didn't ate her dinner. She remembered that the food must be cold now, which was placed on the dining table but never got eaten yet.
She snuck out of the blanket and tip toed downstairs.

His unusual behavior was still on her mind. It was unbelievable for her that he actually left her and didn't do anything without her consent. He had always been rude and dominant, always took everything forcefully but today he spared her. And she couldn't understand why was that? But she felt relieved. She prayed that she don't run into him again till morning.

He must be into his study room, I hope he don't comes out until I complete my dinner, she thought.

She picked up the dishes from the dining table which were still untouched and was in the same position as she left. One by one she heated them up in the oven. It took ten minutes for her to heat up everything again and pour it into plates for herself.
Then she sat on the chair and was about to put the spoon in her mouth but froze at the sight.
Umer was standing in front of her, watching her with interest.

She put the spoon back into the plate and felt uncomfortable by his gaze.

"Why are you watching me like that?" She asked when he didn't shifted his gaze.

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