chapter 68

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The days went smooth as they got along together really well. Gradually everything started to get in place as they cleared their misunderstandings. They had a little perfect life and they were very fond of it. Their baby growing in front of their eyes everyday and their bond getting deeper each day was something magical. It felt like neither of them ever thought that they would feel so comfortable with each other. They interacted and entangled like they were two lovers. Sleeping in each other's embrace felt so right in place. 

She started to like every bit of minute spending with him. From making dinners to helping him dressing felt like she was really into it. While he made sure that she never gets uncomfortable around him. They were getting along like two partners who were feeling exciting as they explored each other. Their energies matched, everything was passionate to fiery for them. 

It was soothing, warm night of spring when he sat with Yousef in his room, playing with him. He giggled Everytime he sang him a poem. Pulling the strings of guitar as he barely tried to compose a song for his son was difficult until his son clapped and cheered at the end. It felt like it was worth it. His happiness was worth of all for him. 

Ayleen prepared a cake as it was Umer's birthday which he barely forgot. But she knew it how to surprise him. She placed the food on the table and went upstairs to call him for dinner. The large cake which she baked with her own hands was placed in middle as the candles were not lighten up yet. 

She went inside her son's room calling his name, "Umer! Dinner is ready, come downstairs". 

 As she looked at him, he shushed her. Yousef was sleeping peacefully in his bed as Umer was tapping lightly on his back. They hired a nanny for Yousef but they always tried to spend most of the time with their son themselves. 

Ayleen went away and called the nanny who recently went into laundry to wash Yousef's clothes. The nanny immediately returned at her call and they went inside the room. 

Seeing the nanny, Umer got up carefully. Looking at his cautious movements, Ayleen hardly controlled her laugh. It was so amusing to watch him taking care of his baby and being so overprotective of him. He never seemed such kind of a man. But who knows people change. 

"He is sleeping, don't wake him" he instructed the nanny and walked out with Ayleen. 

"Why you shushed me?" She asked as they walked downstairs. 

"Because your loud voice would might have wake him up. Do you know how much effort I had to put in to make him sleep" he clarified himself. 

"Ohhh I think I sang him lullaby! Because recently you're quite fond of singing" she made fun of him as she laughed at her own statement. 

He watched her mesmerized by her cheerful, and gleamy face. The sound of her laugher seemed more like a song itself. 

"You can laugh all you want but he likes it" he grabbed her by her waist, pulling her closer along his side as they entered the dinner hall. 

His steps halted when he saw a large cake placed in the table, all covered in dripping chocolate. 

He looked at her, entranced. 

"Don't give me that look! It's your birthday let's celebrate it" she pulled on his arm, leading him to the table. 

"You know it?" He asked surprised by her kind gesture. 

"Ofcourse but don't ask me how because I'm not gonna tell you. By the way I made chocolate cake because I like it, I dunno if you like too or not. Because my family hates chocolatey things" she explained herself as she placed the candles on the cake, lightening them up. 

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