chapter 7

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"why are you so hot?" asked Amar as she pulled herself from the hug. Then he touched her forehead to check.

"You're having high temperature Ayeleen! And your lip is hurt so badly, it's swollen!" He panicked.

"Keep it low! Or they will wake up. It's just a little temperature, I'll take medicine and it will go away. And I'll apply antibiotic on lip, don't worry" she calmed him.

They both ate pizza, and then she went to sleep. As Ayan turned off the lights and went back to his room.

In morning, despite feeling unwell and having high fever, she got ready for hospital and after eating breakfast alone, in silence. She went off.
Although she was not in state of driving, and looked pale but nobody noticed and didn't even talked to her.

She reached the hospital at 8 am.
She took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh air of morning to relax a bit. Then she went to staff room and took her medicines, as she wanted to stay stable during the day.

It was afternoon and she felt nauseous several time since morning. She had vasovagal syncopy. She prayed in her mind that she don't faint today, especially not here in public. She took a break and laid on the couch in staff room. It was 5 when she went back to work, as she had to stay up after the working hours due to emergency patients.
She was sitting in her room, when suddenly a nurse appeared to inform her about the arrival of accident patients. She stood up quickly to receive them.
It was a serious accident of a family in a car, which got collided with high loaded truck on highway and fell into steep hole.
Although they rescued the family and bought them to hospital but there were mere chances of their survival.

As she rushed into the emergency, she saw a unexpected visit coming towards her.
It was Umer coming towards her, with a bouquet in his hands. He had a evil smile on his face, like he was trying to show her off that after all he won her. He was few steps away when Ayeleen ignoring him rushed towards the incoming patients.

The nurse bought them on stretchers, and first one was a young boy dipped in blood. And his head was open, brain hanging out and skull broken. It was a rare sight, such serious accidents merely happen. And ofcourse Ayeleen dealt with such patients before, despite battling with her own disease which was not curable.
She had vasovagal syncope since she was twelve, she immediately faint at the sight of blood, due to severe stress, improper diet, as her heart rate drops and she starts sweating. Her syncopy duration was at least 5 minutes until she recovers. The disease was not curable, and she battled with it but
She did not let it become a barrier in her profession. And she was successful but sometimes, she couldn't control it and faint.

As the stretcher got nearer, and she got clear sight of the body, she started to felt extremely nauseous at the sight of fresh blood, dripping from the body.
While Umer on the other side was so enraged watching her, that she ignored him. He took long strides and reached her.

While Ayeleen kept struggling, to remain stable and stay open her eyes, but she started to have tunnel vision and everything started to seem blur and black.
Umer grabbed her harshly from her arm to face her and suddenly she fell.
He hold her before she could touch the ground.
Her eyes were closed, lips were tightly shut, like she was gritting teeth. And her fists were clenched so tightly that her nails were digging holes on her palm. She started sweating and looked extremely pale. She was completely unconscious, and she felt like she was trapped in a dream.

While Umer and people around her panicked, watching her like this. Umer tapped her cheeks and called out her name several times but she was no near of consciousness.
The patient was passed into the emergency room, to be immediately operated on.
While Umer picked her up in his arms and rushed towards the room. He placed her on the couch, while a nurse immediately came to check her vitals. Her heart rate was very low, and they started panicking in trepidation.
While Umer was left speechless, he never assumed that he will ever have to face her in this condition.
Her condition was no where near stable and they called emergency doctor to treat her.
The doctor came after five minutes, and injected her amiodarone to save her from bradycardia.

Moments later, she opened her eyes slowly, and everyone sighed.
She felt terrible at the moment, and she couldn't move her body. She felt trapped in her own self and at first she didn't even recognized the place. But slowly as she came back to her senses she found Umer standing beside her.
He sat beside her and checked her forehead. She was very cold.
No wonder they were so close, that she could feel his breath on her skin, tingling and it was giving her goosebumps.
The nurses immediately left the room as she became stable after injecting her on intravenous fluid.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked with concern, looking at her face.

While she felt so ashamed that he has to see her like this.

"I'm fine" she said diverting her face on the other side.

He got enraged at her behavior. 'how dare she turn her face like this when I'm talking to her!' he cursed her in his breath.

"Why do you have to act so rude? Can't you face me? I'm worried about you! You just scared me to death, I thought you might never woke up again!" He said aloud angrily, spitting out all at once. He felt humiliated, how she ignored her.

"Why do you even worry about me? I would have been more happy if I never even woke up, at least I didn't had to face you!" She replied back in same tone.

He leaned into her face close. Her heart started beating so loudly, that she thought that now she might get into tachycardia.
He could feel the reaction, he was receiving from her. Her face was blushing hard.
And she couldn't dare to breath.
He was so close that she could clearly count the pores on his face.
'why he has to be so handsome! Crap, why I'm so responsive towards him!' she cursed herself in her brain.

Before she could push him away or resist his closure, he said
"Don't ever think about dying. I will not let you die so easily, not until I devour you and I feel satisfied. I have not shown you my dark side yet, or you would not have been misbehaving with me. I'm warning you last time, ignore me one more time and you will question your birth!" He said the words through his teeth, merely whispering.

His lusty eyes caught the sight of her bare neck, which had little sweat beads, following down to her chest and hidden behind her clothes. Then he looked at her face and from fear she released her lower lip from constant torture of biting. And it looked red swollen which instantly made him turned on.

'for fuck's sake! Not now Umer!' He cursed himself under breath and closed his eyes.
While she was unaware of the impact she created on him. She only knew that his closure was no good for her and she didn't liked being close to him. Although her body always responded against her, whenever he was near.

Without wasting a second he got up, before he lose himself on her. And she sighed and release her breath, which was on hold.

"Do you need anything?" He asked before moving towards the door.

"Yeah bring me a bottle of juice, I need it. I'll pay you back once I'll get up" she replied hesitantly as she was not sure of getting a favor from him. But she needed it, because liquids always gave her strength to get up and become stable.

"Did I ask you about money?" He asked angrily.

"No but..." She was cutt off.

"Then shut up!" He growled.
"Where's your phone? Call your parents and tell them, you'll be late and I'll drop you off" he continued.

"I don't have phone" she replied getting ashamed.

"What? You don't have phone? Where is it?" He asked and she remained silent in response.

"Ughhh! What are you seriously Ayeleen?" He scoffed.
"Then I'll make a call and tell them. And after this IV fluid finishes I'll drop you off home myself. I'll ask my driver to take your car back home" he told her.

While she just hummed in response and he opened the door and left.

'Oh god! why do you need to put me in a situation like this? I don't have phone, my family don't want to see me, Yahya cannot marry me and here is the biggest problem, Umer! And on top why do I had to faint in front of him?' she silently cried.

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